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  • 网络ordinary ceramics
  1. 陶瓷首饰的材质种类有所不同,高密度瓷可与国际知名珠宝首饰品牌合作,成为时尚界新宠,普通陶瓷也被制作成为精巧小件,深受年轻大众喜爱。

    The type of ceramic jewelry is different , the ceramics of high density and high performance function is cooperated internationally renowned jewelry brand to become the new fashion industry ; the ordinary ceramics , which is made exquisite and ingenious , is popular for your people .

  2. 计算了梯度功能陶瓷刀具和普通陶瓷刀具内的最大Mises应力、最大剪应力和最大拉应力。

    The maximum mechanical stresses ( Mises stress , tresca stress and principal stress ) in functionally graded ceramic tools and common ceramic tools were calculated .

  3. 采用最大应力学说以及平均应力学说对测试结果进行理论计算得出:采用本次研究的微晶玻璃结合剂的CBN砂轮的最高使用工作速度为100m/s,较采用普通陶瓷结合剂提高了66.6%。

    The results of tensile stress test were analyzed by using the theory of Maximum Stress and Average Stress . The highest application speed of the CBN grinding wheels was calculated out to be 100m / s , 66.6 % higher than common binder .

  4. 在低速切削时,FG2的破损寿命不比普通陶瓷刀具SG4高,但在高速切削时,其抗破损性能则明显好于普通陶瓷刀具SG-4,说明梯度功能陶瓷刀具适应于高速切削。

    The tool life of FG-2 is not longer than that of SG-4 in low cutting speed , but it improves obviously in high cutting speed . This phenomenon shows that the functionally graded ceramic tool is suitable for high speed cutting .

  5. 不同厚度体瓷的纳米陶瓷和普通陶瓷颜色的对比研究

    A Study on the Color Difference between Nano-ceramic and Traditional Ceramic with Different Thickness of Dentin Porcelain

  6. 结果表明,聚合物基复合材料在射流作用下产生塑性穿孔,其抗金属射流的性能优于普通陶瓷材料;

    The test results indicate that the polymer composites have better anti metal jet performance in comparison with that of the common ceramics .

  7. 并以构建适用于材料专业普通陶瓷坯料配方设计探索性实践平台为例,探讨了平台的构建&组件的制作和组件间的关系。

    The writer uses the blank ingredients design for general ceramics as an example to illustrate the construction of experimental platform , the making of components and their connection .

  8. 通过分析普通陶瓷存在的裂纹缺陷问题,由此引出高性能的替代材料纳米陶瓷。

    The nano ceramics with high performance was educed as a substitute because of the problem of crack in ceramics , and the way of producing nano ceramics were introduced in details .

  9. 而在高速切削条件下,梯度功能陶瓷刀具内的热应力明显小于普通陶瓷刀具,说明梯度功能陶瓷刀具适应于高速切削。

    While the thermal stresses in the functionally graded ceramic tool are much smaller than in the common ceramic tool in high cutting speed conditions . This phenomenon show that functionally graded ceramic tool is more suitable for high-speed cutting .

  10. 运用有限元法计算了梯度功能陶瓷刀具内的热应力,结果表明,在切削速度较低的情况下,梯度功能陶瓷刀具内的热应力与普通陶瓷刀具内的热应力相比差别不大;

    The thermal stresses in functionally graded ceramic tool are calculated using finite element methods . Results show that there is little difference between the thermal stresses in the functionally graded ceramic tool and in the common ceramic tool in lower cutting speed .

  11. 以普通釉面陶瓷作为基体,采用溶胶-凝胶方法和浸渍提拉技术制备TiO2和Pt/TiO2抗菌薄膜。

    TiO 2 and Pt / TiO 2 antibacterial thin films were prepared by sol-gel process and dip-coating method on the substrate of ordinary glazed ceramic plate .

  12. 涂层较致密,孔隙率约为3.33%,低于普通AT13陶瓷涂层。

    And its porosity of is 3.33 % which is lower than ceramic coating .

  13. 本文利用普通电子陶瓷工艺制备了纯钙钛矿相Pb(Fe(1/2)Ta(1/2))O3(PFT)弛豫铁电陶瓷。

    Pb ( Fe1 / 2Ta1 / 2 ) O3 ( PFT ) relaxor ferroelectric ceramics with pure perovskite phase were prepared by the formation method of common electronic ceramics .

  14. 普通的陶瓷元件分别是钛酸钡和锆钛酸铅。

    Common ceramic elements are barium titanate and lead zirconate-titanate .

  15. 与普通的陶瓷连接工艺相比较,微波连接技术具有耗时短、节约能量、成本低、对母材热损伤小等特点,因而获得了较快的发展。

    Comparing with the conventional joining processes of ceramics , the microwave joining process of ceramics possesses a number of advantages such as short joining time , saving of energy , low process cost , less thermal damage of the welding base materials and so on .

  16. 与普通压电陶瓷驱动器相比,复合结构型PZT压电陶瓷具有较低的谐振频率,驱动位移量提高3倍多;

    It is found that the optimal ratio of reduced layer thickness for the composite structure is 0.3.The reduced composite PZT has lower resonance frequency and 3 times larger displacement than that of the traditional PZT .

  17. 磁致伸缩是一种磁&机械耦合现象,以Tb-Dy-Fe为代表的稀土超磁致伸缩材料,其伸缩量为普通压电陶瓷的30-50倍,响应时间低于10.6秒,是理想的位移致动材料。

    The Tb-Dy-Fe giant magnetostrictive material , a new type of magneto ( electro ) - mechanical energy conversion material with large magnetostriction and rapid response , is a perfect element for micro-displacement actuator .

  18. 与用普通压电陶瓷片或电感线圈构成的振动传感器相比,这种传感器的灵敏度更高,频率响应宽。

    Compared with piezoelectric ceramic vibration pickup or inductance vibration pickup , this vibration pickup has higher sensibility , more widely frequency response .

  19. 以普通矾土质陶瓷材料为基体,以莫来石短纤维为增强体,研究并制备了高强度复合电瓷材料。

    The high-strength electric porcelain composite is researched and prepared by using mullite short fiber as reinforced material and aluminous electric porcelain as a matrix .

  20. 根据声-超声基本原理,以普通压电陶瓷传感器替代商用声发射超声换能器,采用传感器对称布置方式,对具有预冲击脱层损伤的碳-碳复合材料薄板做了声-超声测试。

    Acousto ultrasonic ( AU ) measurements were performed on impact damaged carbon carbon composites by using plain piezoelectric transducers putting on thin strips symmetrically , instead of commercial acoustic emission ones .

  21. RAINBOW陶瓷是一种具有内部应力偏移,并具有特殊的拱形结构的大位移驱动材料,它是通过将普通的压电陶瓷在高温下化学还原制备所得。

    A new type of large-displacement actuating materials called RAINBOW ( Reduced and Internally Biased Oxide Wafer ) ceramics is fabricated by a chemical reduction of PLZT piezoelectric ceramics .

  22. 制备了纳米TiN改性的TiC基金属陶瓷刀片,并用该刀片与普通TiC基金属陶瓷刀片进行了对比切削试验。

    The TiC based cermet insert modified by adding nano TiN is prepared and a cutting experiment by using this insert compared with the common TiC based cermet insert is carried out .