
  • 网络General high school education;General Upper secondary education
  1. 在农村,普通高中教育更是提高农民子女素质的重要环节,是改变农村学生命运的主要途径。

    In rural areas , general upper secondary education is an important aspect to improve the quality of peasant children , a main way to change the fate of these students .

  2. 这表明若一名初中毕业生选择三年后就业,职业教育比普通高中教育能够带来更大收益。再次,采用AHP方法构建学生志愿选择模型。

    That is to say , if a junior middle school graduate will get a job after three years , then vocational education can help to gain more than senior middle school education . Third , students ' volutary choices model was constructed by AHP method .

  3. 日本普通高中教育发展的新走向

    New trend of educational development of ordinary high school in Japan

  4. 公办普通高中教育投资效率研究

    Study on Efficiency of Educational Investment in General High Public School

  5. 河南省普通高中教育经费政府投入的实证分析

    On the Henan ordinary high school education funds of government invest

  6. 浅议普通高中教育的政府经费分担责任问题

    An analysis of responsibility of government funds for high school education

  7. 普通高中教育的发展困境与优化策略

    On General High School 's Development Difficulties and Optimize Strategies

  8. 俄罗斯普通高中教育改革与发展趋向

    The Educational Reform and Development Trends of General Senior High Schools in Russia

  9. 多样、开放、灵活:普通高中教育体系的构建

    Diversified , Open and Flexible Education : Constructing the System of High School

  10. 江苏普通高中教育发展的经验与思考

    Experience of and Thoughts on the Development of Regular Senior High School in Jiangsu

  11. 青海民族贫困地区普通高中教育的调查与思考

    Investigation and Reflection of Senior High School Education in Poverty-stricken Areas of Qinghai Province

  12. 我国普通高中教育发展中的政府角色

    Role of the Government in the Development of General Senior High School Education in China

  13. 西部农村普通高中教育资源配置与学生学业发展研究

    Study on Educational Resources Allocation and Scholastic Achievement of General Senior Secondary Schools in Western China

  14. 甘肃省普通高中教育资源配置现状分析与对策研究

    Current Situation Analysis and Counter-policies Research of Educational Resources Collocation in Senior High School of GanSu Province

  15. 加快发展普通高中教育已经成为全社会的共识。

    Accelerating the development of the general high school education has been the common sense in china .

  16. 兰州市普通高中教育发展规模现状调查及思考

    The Investigations and Thoughts about the Educational Developing Scales and Conditions of the Ordinary High Mid School in Lanzhou

  17. 普通高中教育的发展对学生培养提出更高的要求,使教育成本逐年增长。

    General high school education puts forward higher request in cultivating students , and makes education costs increase gradually .

  18. 三是普通高中教育资源布局不合理,规模偏小,整体教育质量和办学效益不高;

    Unreasonable resources layout of the ordinary high mid schools , small scale and ineffectiveness of the whole education qualities ;

  19. 高考3+X的实施与普通高中教育改革

    The Implementation of " 3 + X " in College Entrance Exam and the Educational Reform in Common High School

  20. 普通高中教育的目的是为高中生终身学习和发展奠定基础。

    The aim of ordinary high school education is to lay the foundation for the lifelong learning and development of students .

  21. 而我国普通高中教育的现实情况却是教育资源严重匮乏,特别是优质普通高中资源远远不能满足社会需要。

    As a fact , the general high school education resources are deficient seriously , especially high-quality ones are far from meeting demands .

  22. 普通高中教育考虑到经济发展对于生产力的需求而进行适当就业指导将会赢得更多的利益回报。

    Considering the economy development , the liberal senior high school education which carries on appropriate employment instruction will win more benefit repay .

  23. 在广大农村,普通高中教育是农村孩子改变命运的主要途径。

    In the rural areas of China , the education is the main channel to change the children 's fate in the rural areas .

  24. 在发达国家普通高中教育往往属于义务教育的范畴,主要由政府财政承担教育经费。

    In some developed countries , general high school education is the compulsory education , and the governments assume the responsibility of the investment .

  25. 普通高中教育作为高中阶段教育的重要组成部分,是联系义务教育与高等教育的纽带。

    High school education , which plays an important part in the higher-stage education , is a link between compulsory education and higher education .

  26. 本文介绍昌乐县对于新形势下农村普通高中教育发展的总体思路和做法。

    This article presents the general thinking and practice of Changle County on the development of the general senior middle school education in the new situation .

  27. 河南省农村普通高中教育供不应求,复读现象普遍;中等职业教育门前冷落,要求探索全新的高中教育办学模式;

    Henan rural ordinary high school education falls short of demand , the common phenomenon for students to retake courses while the secondary vocational education is ignored .

  28. 随着普通高中教育改革不断地深入推广,目前全国各省份普通高中教育改革已进入实施阶段。

    With high school education reform , and continued promotion of the provinces across the country has entered a high school education reform , the implementation phase .

  29. 他们影响着普通高中教育的质量甚至是教育改革发展的成败。

    They influence the quality of education of senior high school , even , they are the decision factor of whether the education reform can succeed or not .

  30. 农村普通高中教育经费投入问题日趋尖锐,成为我国教育发展的瓶颈。

    The shortage of the input of the general high school is becoming sharper . It has become the " bottleneck " of the education development in china .