
  • 网络Crystal growth theory;theories of crystal growth
  1. 晶体生长理论研究现状与发展

    Research and Development of the Theories of Crystal Growth

  2. 根据晶体生长理论对TiC的结晶过程及生长机制进行分析。

    The growth process and mechanism of TiC have also been analyzed on the basis of growth theory of TiC .

  3. 本文根据溶液晶体生长理论与实践,认定在金刚石结晶V形区域内存在着晶体生长准稳定区。

    According to the theory and practice of crystal growth from solution , we consider that there is a quasi stable region in V area of diamond crystallization .

  4. 利用晶体生长理论对AlN纳米线的生长机理进行了定性分析,AlN纳米线生长的前期为气液固生长机理,后期为螺旋位错生长机理。

    The growth process of AIN nanowires is analyzed qualitatively based on crystal growth theory , the earlier stage of the growth is through vapor-liquid-solid mechanism and the later stage is by the growing of screw dislocation .

  5. 结合晶体生长理论分析认为:TiB2的生长单元为一个硼原子和六个钛原子组成的三棱柱,硼原子位于三棱柱的中心,生长方式以台阶式生长为主。

    Based on the crystal growth theory , it was considered that the growth element of the primary TiB 2 is the trigonal prism of six Ti atoms with one B atom at the center , and the primary TiB 2 grows mainly in a step growth method .

  6. 简要介绍了前人提出的晶体生长理论的要点及其优点与不足之处;

    The advantages and disadvantages of crystal growth theory were simply mentioned .

  7. 晶体生长理论的发展趋势与界面相模型

    The Developing Tendency Towards the Theory of Crystal Growth and Interface-Phase Model

  8. 在此基础之上提出了晶体生长理论的发展趋势及晶体生长所面临的基本科学问题;

    Based on it , we put forward the tendency and the fundamental scientific problems of crystal growth .

  9. 结合晶体生长理论,建立了用于描述溶剂对晶习影响的新模型。

    Combined with the crystal growth theory , anew model was developed to describe the influence of solvent on habit .

  10. 并根据晶体生长理论对液&固结构依存关系进行了分析与讨论。

    Finally , the relationship of the solid and liquid structure has been discussed with the theory of crystal growth .

  11. 结合凝固理论、经典形核理论以及晶体生长理论,研究了铝钪合金中不同形态的析出粒子的形成机制。

    Combining with the solidification theory , the classical nucleation theory and the theory of crystal growth , the formation mechanism of precipitates with different morphology were discussed .

  12. 晶体生长理论研究的发展方向是使晶体生长过程可视化,这也是晶体生长实验技术的最终目标。

    The research direction of crystal growth theory is to visualize the process of crystal growth . It is also the eventual objective of the experimental technology of crystal growth .

  13. 晶体生长理论研究包括晶体成核理论、输运理论、界面稳定性理论、界面结构理论和界面动力学理论的体系。

    Research on the growth mechanism of crystal includes the system of crystal nucleation theory , conveying theory , interface stabilization theory , interface structure theory and interface dynamic theory .

  14. 根据晶体生长理论,讨论了升温速率的高低与所形成的纳米硅颗粒大小的关系。

    In the light of fractal theory and the theory of crystal nucleation and growth , we have discussed the effect of temperature ramp rate on the sizes of the formed silicon particles .

  15. 结合晶体生长理论,我们认为,结晶性的差别是样品上转换发光强度不同的原因,高分子量的聚合物能够降低粒子的生长速率,有利于小尺寸、结晶性好的粒子生成。

    Combining the crystal growth theory , we believe that the difference in the sample crystallinity is the main reason for the different up-conversion luminescence intensity . High molecular weight polymer can reduce the particle growth rate and favor the formation of nanoparticles with small size and good crystallinity .

  16. 有关晶体生长的理论和规律是从实际晶体生长过程中总结出来的具有共性的东西。

    Crystal growth theory is the rule that is deduced from the practice of crystal growth .

  17. 并从结晶理论、晶体的生长理论的角度研究了各个因素对其影响的机理。

    The mechanism of that influence is studied from the point of view of crystallization and crystal growth theory .

  18. 从结晶理论、晶体的生长理论的角度研究了各个因素对溶剂非溶剂重结晶方法得到的颗粒形状的影响机理。

    The mechanism of the influence on the particle shape got by the way of the solvent-nonsolvent is studied from the point of view of crystallization and crystal growth theory .

  19. 对生长阶段,人们已提出多个晶体生长的理论模型;而对于成核阶段,由于用肉眼,甚至用先进的仪器也难以观测,人们对成核的研究远不及对生长的研究。

    A number of theoretical models of crystal growth have been raised to describe the growth stage . But it is hard to observe the nucleation by eyes , even by advanced instruments . So research on nucleation is slower .

  20. 本文用晶体区熔生长理论对激光加热基座法生长的单晶光纤形状稳定问题作了研究。

    In the paper , the shape stability of single crystal fibers grown by laser heating float zone growth method is studied with zone melt growth theory .

  21. KDP晶体的拼接生长及理论研究

    Growth and Theory of KDP from Spliced Seeds

  22. 磷化锗锌晶体的生长研究及理论计算

    Growth and Calculation of Zinc Germanium Phosphide Crystals

  23. 晶体生长部分讨论了几种成熟的晶体生长理论模型和一些生长晶体常用方法的生长习性;

    And some sophisticated theoretical models and some growth habit were introduced in crystal growth .

  24. 揭示了晶体生长的基本过程,介绍了晶体生长的机理,概述了晶体生长理论研究的技术和控制晶体生长的途径及手段,阐述晶体生长研究的发展方向,以及晶体生长与界面相的关系。

    In this paper , the growth process of crystal is revealed , the growth mechanism of crystal is introduced , and the technology by which crystal growth theory is studied and the ways and means of controlling crystal growth are summarized .