
  • 网络JWT
  1. 乔.史塔顿,智威汤逊广告公司知识中心的头头,称“卖东西给顾客比以往要难”。

    Joe staton , the head of the knowledge centre at JWT , an advertising agency , argues that selling people things " has become more difficult than it has ever been " .

  2. 他如今执掌智威汤逊广告公司的大中华区业务,西方电视、广播制作人需要在短时间内获得对中国人行为方式的精湛见解时,往往求助于他这位专家。

    Doctoroff runs Greater China operations for J. Walter Thompson and has also emerged as a go-to pundit for Western TV and radio producers seeking quick , sharp insight into Chinese behavior .

  3. 纽约时尚观察员、智威汤逊(jwt)广告公司副总裁玛丽安萨尔兹曼(mariansalzman)认为,对“都市美男子”的反感已经在美国的政治生活中产生了影响,日后还将继续。

    Marian Salzman , a New York trend-spotter and executive vice-president of JWT , the advertising agency , believes that the backlash against metrosexuality has already taken its toll on American political life , and will continue to do so in the future .