
  1. HD公司智能建筑工程项目成本管理研究

    HD Company Intelligent Construction Project Cost Management Research

  2. 对建筑设备自动化系统(BAS:BuildingAutomationSystem)的客观描述和定量分析一直是智能建筑工程建设和教学中的难点和重点,建立计算机仿真系统是解决问题的有效方法之一。

    The describing of BAS ( Building Automation System ) of intelligence construction is a difficult problem , especially in teaching and engineering . Establishing a computer simulation system is a problem-solving valid method .

  3. 智能建筑工程中的消防验收

    The validation of fire protection system 's in the intelligent building

  4. 智能建筑工程咨询实践与探索

    Practice and Probing on the Engineering Consulting for Intelligent Building

  5. 智能建筑工程设计中机电设备集成配置系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application on Electromechanical Equipment Integrated Design System in Intelligent Building Engineering

  6. 智能建筑工程造价控制研究

    Research on Cost Control of Intelligent Building

  7. 智能建筑工程企业信息管理系统的研究与报价子系统开发

    Research of Information Management System for Intelligent Building Enterprise & Development of Sub-systems of Engineering Quotation

  8. 我国智能建筑工程项目管理的探索智能建筑设计到管理中的可控性

    Exploration of project management in regard to Chinese intelligent building engineering Intelligent Architectural Design and Controllability in Management

  9. 智能建筑工程项目管理是一种崭新的管理方式,以智能建筑工程项目为出发点,改变了传统的以政府为中心的计划管理方式。

    Intelligent building project management is a new management style , which takes intelligent building project as a starting point and changes the traditional government-centered management .

  10. 智能建筑工程项目管理软件可以为管理者提供准确、精细、及时的信息,使项目管理计算机化,把工作人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来,使管理更加条理、科学、快捷。

    It provides accurate , precise and timely information for manager , computerizes the project management , frees the works from the heavy work , makes the management more structured , scientific and fast .

  11. 针对以上问题,论文结合智能建筑工程企业的特点以及信息技术的发展现状,分析了行业内典型企业的项目组织模式。

    In a position to deal with the above problems , this dissertation analyzes , integrating the features of the engineering enterprise in intelligent constructions and the development status of information technology , the organization mode for the projects from typical enterprises in the industry .

  12. 智能化建筑工程监理的研究

    Study on Supervision of Intelligent Building Project

  13. 智能建筑系统工程

    Intelligent Building System Engineering

  14. 根据国家消防有关规范和现代智能化建筑工程要求,介绍了火灾自动报警控制系统的联动关系及工作流程。

    According to national fire defense regulation and the demand of modern intelligent building , it also introduces the linkage relation and work flow of automatic fire alarm control system .

  15. 基于某智能建筑系统集成工程的具体实例,详细阐述了运行在EBI上的两种实现消防子系统软件网关的方法。

    Two methods of developing software gateways of fire control subsystem running on EBI based on an integration project of intelligent building system completed recently were explained in detail .

  16. 人工智能技术在建筑工程预算中的应用

    Application of artificial intelligence to cost estimating of Construction Engineering

  17. 基于人工智能技术的建筑工程造价估算研究

    The Research on Cost Estimate of Constructional Engineering Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology

  18. 智能建筑的系统工程特点

    Research on System Engineering of Intelligent Building

  19. 指出该系统是智能建筑弱电系统工程的重要系统。

    The author further emphasizes that the system is the important system for intelligent architecture light current system projects .

  20. 本文就智能化建筑弱电工程的实施、工程项目管理的重点、弱电工程的质量控制进行分析与探讨。

    In this article , Intelligent Building of weak implementation of the project , the focus of project management , weak quality control of engineering analysis and discussion .

  21. 介绍电磁兼容涉及的学科内容、电磁兼容技术标准制定及认证工作的现状,着重论述了智能建筑弱电系统工程设计中的电磁兼容性问题。

    This paper discusses on each weak electronic system and wiring of the intelligent residential system , and puts forward some principles of matters needing attention in the design of the system .

  22. 智能建筑系统集成与工程设计&智能建筑学术讨论系列文章之八

    System Integrated and Engineering Design of Intelligent Building

  23. 近年来,国内建筑智能化的快速发展为智能建筑工程企业带来了新的发展机遇和挑战。

    With the prompt development in intellectualization of domestic buildings in recent years , the engineering enterprises in intelligent construction witness new developing opportunities and challenges .

  24. 近年来,随着高新技术的迅猛发展,人们对生活和工作环境的要求日益提高,智能建筑弱电系统集成在智能建筑工程中的应用也越来越多。

    With the rapid development of high-tech in recent years , people request more to living and working environment day by day , intelligent building light current system integration have been applied into intelligent building engineering more and more .

  25. 列取出一般智能建筑系统的组成和层次的主要内容、功能等,实现系统集成功能的神经系统&综合布线及其组成,并对智能建筑工程实施方案作了简明阐述。

    The paper lists the composition of the common intelligence building system and main content and functions of layers as well as the nerve system which realizes integration function , i.e. comprehensive line arrangement and their composition , and briefly introduces the implementation project of the intelligence building construction .