- Register;temporary memory;temporary storage;working storage;temporary device

One technical advantage of using a database for the data store is that some J2EE ™ applications can share JDBC connections to benefit from one-phase commit optimization .
Scanning in zigzag order , the processors can work in parallel via few temporal buffers to store the data filtered by column processor , leading to improvement of data transform speed and hardware utilization factor .
Local Derby database data store : With this option , a local , in-process Derby database is used to store the operational information and messages associated with the messaging engine .
I found the SimpleDB scratchpad less useful than making the calls directly from code , but perhaps you 'll like it .
Each machine-language instruction is represented by one assembly-language mnemonic , usually followed by one or more variables , registers , or constants .
Persistent messages are always stored to some form of persistent data store , while non-persistent messages are generally stored in volatile memory .
We base on it to establish abstract model between the sequential executable codes and the register transfer level ( RTL ) description .
It reduces switched capacitance by turning off transitions on a clock tree when the triggered registers do not need to change their values .
Remote database data store : In this configuration , a database residing on a remote system is configured to act as the message engine data store .
File-based data store : ( default ) If the message engine is configured to use a file-based data store , operating information and messages are persisted to the file system instead of a database .