
àn shì yìng
  • dark adaptation;scotopia
暗适应[àn shì yìng]
  1. 在暗适应条件下,蓝圆鲹幼、成鱼对蓝、绿色光的趋光率最高,对红光的趋光率最低。

    Under dark adaptation , phototactic ratio of round scad ( both juvenile-and adult ) towards blue and green light is the highest , while that towards red light is the lowest .

  2. 暗适应视网膜电图a波、b波振幅和峰时和正常对照比较无显著差异。

    The a-wave and b-wave of the dark adaptation electroretinogram had little change .

  3. 经过暗适应的晶体柱可以对不同物距的目标形成清晰的正重叠像,像的大小随物距的增大而减小。

    A real optical superposition image was formed by dark-adapted crystalline cones for an object at different distances and its size decreased as the object distance increased .

  4. 基于DSP嵌入式系统的视网膜电图暗适应仪设计

    DSP Based Instrument Design for Recording ERG Signal and Plotting Dark-Adaptation Curves

  5. 13例暗适应白光b波波幅下降或(和)潜伏期延长(P<0001)。

    Thirteen had scotopic b-wave amplitudes reduction or prolonged implicit time with bright-white flash stimulus ( P < 0 001 ) .

  6. 暗适应及明适应状态下正常SD大鼠视觉诱发电位的比较

    Difference between the dark and light adapted flash visual evoked potentials recorded from normal SD rats

  7. 暗适应测定显示有VA缺乏。

    Display Measurement of dark adaptation showed that Vitamin A was deficient .

  8. 对于完全暗适应的眼,强度约为绝对阈10~3倍的弥散光照射全部视域,卽足以引起可被察觉的b波。

    In the fully dark-adapted eye , stimulating the whole visual field with diffuse light at an intensity about 10 ~ 3 times the absolute threshold is capable of eliciting a perceptible b-wave .

  9. 结果当兔眼玻璃体注入的双氯芬酸钠大于或/和等于700μg时,ERG检查发现暗适应和明适应b波波幅明显下降。

    Results The b wave amplitudes of light and dark adaptation ERG were significantly reduced when the dosage of diclofenac sodium was more than 700 μ g.

  10. 分别在注射前及注射后第2、第4、第7、第10天对暗适应ERGB波进行检查。

    Before injection and on the 2nd , 4th , 7th , and 10th day after injection the scotopic b-waves of the ERG were measured .

  11. 方法对一组白内障患者手术前后暗适应ERG、闪烁ERG检查。

    Method The dark adaptation ERG and the Flicker ERG were performed before and after the cataractous surgery .

  12. 白天和夜晚暗适应一定时间,在相同的相对光强度下,雄成虫的ERG值大于雌成虫;

    In the same conditions , the ERG value of the male adult was larger than the female ;

  13. 实验证实,在适当的酸度调节下暗适应菌紫质(BR)的光致变色反应由B→蓝膜→P→Q→B的循环转换构成。

    It was shown experimentally that the photochromism of the bacteriorhodopsin ( BR ) consists of circulative state-transformations , B → blue membrane → P → Q → B , under an appropriate control of acidity .

  14. 对11例已得到病理证实的视网膜母细胞瘤的暗适应ERG作了分析。其中8只眼为无波型,3只眼为降低型。

    Dark adaptation ERGs of11 cases with retinoblastoma demonstrated pathologically were analysed . 8 eyes were extinguish , 3 eyes were subnormal .

  15. 方法采用YAKⅠ型暗适应客观检查仪,检查9例(9眼)中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变患者快速暗适应时间,并与健眼进行对照。

    Methods YAK-I darkness adaption apparatus was used to detect the adaption time in 9 cases ( 9 eyes ) with cardio-serous chorioretinopathy and then was compared with that of the healthy eyes .

  16. 目的:观察65~75岁正常老年人暗适应闪光视网膜电图(FERG),评价其视网膜功能。

    HT5SS ] [ WT5BZ ] [ ST5BZ ] Objective : To observe the scotopic flash electroretinogram ( F ERG ) in 65 ~ 75 years old normal senile people and evaluate their retinal functions .

  17. 方法所有SD大鼠经循环光环境适应7天,实验前暗适应36小时,分别于光照3、6、9、12、15、18小时,灌流固定,摘除眼球。

    Methods All Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained under cyclic light environment for 7 days , the rats were kept in darkness for 36 hours before experiment . The rats were killed after 3,6,9,12,15 and 18 hours continuous intense white light exposure .

  18. 方法首先将肿瘤细胞LLC细胞悬液接种至已接受2周光暗适应的雄性C57BL/6J小鼠皮下。

    Methods LLCs were cultured , harvested , made into cell suspension and planted into male C57BL / 6J mice which had been raised in 12h light and dark cycles for 2 weeks .

  19. 以血清维生素A含量,相对剂量反应(RDR)和暗适应功能(暗适应恢复时间和绝对阈值)检查为指标,在严格膳食控制下,进行了60天实验。

    The serum retinol , relative dose response ( RDR ) and dark adaptation function ( dark adaptation time , absolute threshold ) were determined .

  20. 快速暗适应时间在1分钟以内,(3)视网膜光感绝对阈值,看到0.2×10~(-6)asb视标,时间不超过30分钟;

    Dark adaptation time within one minute ; ( 3 ) retinal photosensitivity ( absolute threshold ) down to 0.2 × 10 - (?) asb within 30 minutes ;

  21. Phycomyces向光性中阈下光控制暗适应动态作用谱

    Action spectrum for subliminal light control of dark adaptation kinetics in Phycomyces phototropism

  22. 统计和分析了580眼视网膜色素变性患者的视力、视野、暗适应和ERG检查结果。

    This paper presents the results of statistics and analysis of 580 eyes of patients with retinitis pigmentosa in which vision , visual field , dark adaptation and electroretinography ( ERG ) were examined .

  23. YA-2型暗适应计的设计及应用

    The design and application of YA-2 dark adaptometer

  24. 结果显示,晶体混浊及正常的AMD患者、除黄斑绿光阈值外,黄斑光阈值、色调分辨力及暗适应差异无统计学显著性。

    The results showed that the light threshold 、 hue discrimination and dark adaptation threshold were not statistically significant difference between the patients with normal lens and lens opacity , except macular green light threshold in early AMD patients .

  25. 结论:海拔5380m持续性慢性缺氧6个月光感系统可发生功能性的改变,暗适应时间延长,供氧后光觉功能在短时间内迅速恢复至平原水平。

    Conclusion : Chronic hypoxia can led to a functional change of dark visual in youths but it quickly recover after inspiring oxygen .

  26. 对视觉的影响主要表现在:暗适应时间延长,视力下降,色觉减退,甚至出现视网膜出血,引起高原视网膜病(high-altituderetinopathy,HAR)。

    High altitude hypoxia has effects on visual function , for example , dark adaptation time prolonged , vision decreased , color vision decreased , severely retinal hemorrhage . Retinal damage at high altitude is called high-altitude retinopathy ( HAR ) .

  27. 我们建议的RDA要求各种营养素的充分供给,特别是与暗适应密切相关的蛋白质、VA、核黄素、锌及硒。

    We suggest the RDA characterized by sufficient nutrient supply , especially protein , vit A , riboflavin , Zn and Se , which are closely related to the function of dark adaptation , i. e. energy 2600 ~ 3000kcal , protein 100 ~ 110g , Vit .

  28. 本研究对色温1800K&3000K范围内的三种白光与620nm红光仪表的短时暗适应进行了实验研究。

    This is an experimental study on short term dark adaptation under instrument illumunation of white or red lights with color temperatures in the range of 1800K 3000K .

  29. 用电子显微镜研究了家蝇(Muscadomestica)复眼小网膜的一般结构,特殊结构和小网膜细胞的对称性排列,并比较了在暗适应、明适应和强光适应状态下小网膜细胞的结构。

    The common , particular structure and the arrangement pattern of the retinula in the compound eye of the housefly Musca domestica have been investigated , and the structures of the retinula cells here been compared with an electron microscope under dark , bright and high intensity light adaptation condition .

  30. 方法对33例(60眼)干性AMD患者和18例(30眼)正常人应用稳态的闪烁光LERG和全视野暗适应闪光ERG检测,测量振幅和峰时。

    Methods 33 patients ( 60 eyes ) with dry form AMD as well as 18 control subjects ( 30 eyes ) were tested with steady state flicker LERG and total visual field dark adaptation flash ERG amplitudes and implicit times of the responses were measured .