
  1. 曹七巧这一文学形象是张爱玲对中国现代文学的一个贡献。

    The literary image of Cao Qi-qiao is one of Zhang Ailing 's contributions to modern Chinese literature .

  2. 曹七巧被评论者定性为一个人性被扭曲和异化的女性形象代表。

    Cao Qiq-iao is regarded by critics as a representative of female image whose humanity is distorted and dissimilated .

  3. 不同性别视角观照下的恶之花&三仙姑、曹七巧、司猗纹形象的一种解读

    Evil Flowers From Different Perspectives & A Kind of Reading about San Xian-gu , Cao Qi-qiao and Si Yi-wen