
  1. 曹先生于二零一零年加入HLB国卫税务有限公司任董事总经理及税务部门主管。

    Mr Cho joined HLB Hodgson Impey Cheng Taxation Services Limited Managing Director and Head of Tax in2010 .

  2. 曹先生还很镇定,可是神色不大好看。

    He was very calm still but his face was pale .

  3. 其实呢,曹先生并不怎么高明。

    Actually , Mr. Cao was not all that brilliant .

  4. 我还是你们结婚这一天见过曹先生的。

    I saw Mr. Ts'ao the day you were married .

  5. 像曹先生这样的,在上海很少有人寻求专业的帮助来处理他们的压力。

    Like Cao , few people in Shanghai seek professional help to deal with their stress .

  6. 大概有九点钟了,祥子拉着曹先生由西城回家。

    At about nine o'clock , Xiangzi was pulling Mr. Cao back from the West City .

  7. 曹先生笑着点了点头。

    Mr. Cao smiled and nodded .

  8. 11月10日,当地一名报社记者采访了主管曹先生。

    On Nov. 10 , a local newspaper reporter interviewed Mr. Cao , the man in charge .

  9. 这种药可以镇定你的神经。曹先生还很镇定,可是神色不大好看。

    This medicine will settle your nerves . He was very calm still but his face was pale .

  10. 曹先生说它有古代民歌的风味,一点儿不错。

    Mr. Ts'ao was quite right when he said it had the flavor of an ancient folk song .

  11. 刚要依着老程的劝告,去找曹先生,曹先生会走了。

    Just as he was on the point of following Old Cheng 's advice , Mr. Cao left .

  12. 他们不敢得罪左先生,而得吓吓就吓吓曹先生。

    The secret police dared not molest Mr. Zuo , they were just out to frighten Mr. Cao .

  13. 27岁的曹先生在中国中部,湖北武汉的一家国企里工作。

    The 27-year-old man , surnamed Cao , worked in a State-owned enterprise in Wuhan , Central China 's Hubei province .

  14. 来自国际分析中心的曹先生说,对于外资的网上支付公司,央行将会采取更为严格的规定。

    Cao from Analysys International said the new rules are likely to mean stricter requirements for foreign funded online payment companies .

  15. 只有曹先生既认识字,又讲理,而且曹太太也规规矩矩的得人心。

    Only Mr. Cao had book-learning and was reasonable too , while Mrs. Cao won all hearts by her modest behaviour .

  16. 祥子说不清的那点事是这样:曹先生在个大学里教几点钟功课。

    What Xiangzi had no means of explaining was this : Mr. Cao gave a couple of lectures each week in a certain university .

  17. 到了左家,曹先生叫祥子把车拉进去,赶紧关上门。

    When they reached the Zuo house , Mr. Cao told Xiangzi to pull the rickshaw into the courtyard and quickly close the gate .

  18. 从技术层面来讲,《功夫熊猫》并不比中国电影高超到哪里去。但就叙事技巧而言,中国电影要走的路还很长。曹先生说。

    " Technically , Kung Fu Panda is not more advanced than Chinese movies , but as for story telling skills , Chinese movies have a long way to go ," said Cao .

  19. 心中极快的转了转:对不住曹先生,不过高妈带回信去教他快跑,也总算过得去了。

    His thoughts were in a whirl . He had let Mr. Cao down , but it wasn 't so bad now that Gao Ma was taking the message telling him to get away as fast as he could .

  20. 决不想上曹宅去了,连个信儿也不必送,曹先生救不了祥子的命。

    He would never go to the Cao house now , nor did he even send them word , for Mr. Cao could not save him .