
  1. 曹勇表示,职场新人第一课的内容之一便是角色扮演。

    According to Cao , the first lesson for workplace freshmen should involve role playing .

  2. 曹勇说:职场新人们若忽视办公室规定或疏于职场礼节,就会把不良习惯带到工作中。

    A lack of awareness regarding office rules and workplace etiquette causes workplace freshmen to bring inappropriate habits to the workplace , said Cao .

  3. 曹勇举例说,如果某员工的签名过于另类或者愤世嫉俗,那么他便会质疑该员工的职业道德和工作态度。

    For example , Cao said he would question the work ethic and attitude of an employee whose signature was too cynical or maverick .

  4. 中国石油工程建设公司的财务经理曹勇(音译)表示,这种铃声除了会打扰到同事,还会让人觉得你不够成熟和专业。

    Besides annoying colleagues , such habits might also make people question your maturity and professionalism , according to Cao Yong , a finance manager at China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation .

  5. 曹勇指出,把一些过于时髦的习惯带到工作当中,不仅会影响到你的职业生涯,还有可能会给老板留下坏印象,就连你也许都没有意识到这些后果。

    Cao Yong warned that besides harming your professional progress , bringing trendy habits into the workplace may also give your boss a bad impression of you , and you may not even be aware of it .