
  • Manchester United;Man United;Man Utd
  1. 小时候,他是曼联队的球迷。

    As a boy he was a Manchester United fan

  2. 曼联队坚持到了最后,夺得了足总杯的冠军。

    Manchester United hung on to take the Cup .

  3. 相比而言,曼联队的行程将略多于1,200英里。

    By way of contrast , Manchester United will travel slightly more than 1,200 miles

  4. 17岁的蒂姆支持曼联队。

    Tim , 17 , supports Manchester United .

  5. 贝巴和鲁尼如今蓄势待发,欧文也可以为曼联锦上添花。

    With Dimitar Berbatov and Wayne Rooney primed to flower anew , Owen can gild the lily .

  6. “诚实的说,我们真的不care,”他告诉曼联电视。

    " To be honest , it really doesn 't bother us ," he told MUTV .

  7. 咨询公司BrandFinance的报告称,曼联已取代拜仁慕尼黑成为世界最具价值的足球品牌。

    Manchester United is the world 's most valuable football brand , replacing Bayern Munich , according to a report from consultancy Brand Finance .

  8. 亚历克斯•弗格森爵士(SirAlexFerguson)在执掌曼联教鞭的近27年里,率队夺得38座奖杯。

    In his nearly 27 years as manager , Sir Alex Ferguson has won 38 trophies .

  9. 你认为大卫贝克汉姆(DAVIDBECKHAM)应该在曼联踢右路还是中场?

    Do you think David Beckham should play on the right for Manchester United , or in the centre ?

  10. 我们将带着对曼联的尊重前往OT,但这并不意味着我们怕他们。

    We will go to Old Trafford with respect for them but we don 't fear them .

  11. 由于流浪者和巴伦西亚战平,这场胜利也让曼联占据了C组头名的位置。马切达现在正专注准备联赛对斯托克的比赛。

    Allied to Rangers'draw with Valencia , victory puts United in control of Group C in the Champions League , and Macheda is now focused on Sunday 's Premier League trip to Stoke .

  12. 作为曼联(ManchesterUnited)足球俱乐部的主教练和哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)一项案例分析的研究对象,弗格森禁止两家报道鲁尼将离队的报纸出席自己的新闻发布会。

    Sir Alex , manager of Manchester United football club and subject of a Harvard Business School case study , had already banned two newspapers from his press conference for reporting that Rooney would be leaving .

  13. 几小时前,他的膝盖在联赛杯决赛中被PaulWilliams的鞋钉划开。深可见骨。本场比赛曼联也输球了。

    Hours earlier , his knee had become infected after being accidentally gashed down to the bone by Paul Williams'studs during United 's League Cup final defeat to Sheffield Wednesday .

  14. 对于曼联球员来说到访Christie医院这样的地方是很重要的,因为我们可能看到另一种生活。

    It 's very important for Manchester United players to visit places like The Christie because we can see another side of life .

  15. PFA今天宣布了年度最佳的球员候选人名单,这份榜单几乎被曼联垄断。

    The PFA today announced a shortlist for their Players'Player of the Year award that was dominated by Manchester United players .

  16. BBC新闻–西汉姆队将对任何被发现周二赛前在厄普顿公园球场袭击曼联队教练事件中负有责任的粉丝发出禁令.

    BBC News - West Ham will issuelife bans to any fans found responsible for attacking the Manchester Unitedteam coach before Tuesday 's game at Upton Park .

  17. 在亚历克斯·弗格森(AlexFerguson)执教曼彻斯特联队(ManchesterUnited,简称:曼联队)的最后一段日子里,曼联队这位超级成功的苏格兰教练对红酒日渐浓厚的兴趣成了众所周知的事情。

    By the end of his days at Manchester United , it was well known that Alex Ferguson , the club 's hugely successful Scottish manager , had developed a growing interest in fine wine .

  18. 香港拍卖会上的拍品包括六瓶产于1999年的罗曼尼•康帝干红葡萄酒(Romanee-ContiGrandCru),同这些葡萄酒一起拍卖的是1999年曼联队在欧洲冠军联赛(ChampionsLeague)上夺冠时穿的球衣。

    Among the items on offer in Hong Kong : Six bottles of 1999 Roman é e-Conti Grand Cru paired with a Manchester United shirt from the team 's Champions League triumph in 1999 .

  19. 所以我觉得要换地方也只能去英格兰,我记得DickDonald跟我说唯一能让我施展拳脚的就是曼联。

    So I felt the best thing would be to go to England and I always remember Dick Donald telling me that the only club that would satisfy me was Manchester United .

  20. 曼联老板周末下午将会因为在2-2战平桑德兰的比赛后对裁判AlanWiley的言论而出现在看台上。

    The Reds boss will be in the stands on Saturday afternoon as he begins a suspension for comments made about referee Alan Wiley after the2-2 draw with Sunderland in October .

  21. 作为曼联惨败的结果,费迪南德取消了乘私人飞机去温布利观看坦帕湾海盗和芝加哥熊之间的NFL比赛的计划。

    As a result of Manchester United 's abject display , Ferdinand cancelled a planned post-match trip to Wembley to watch the NFL clash between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Chicago Bears .

  22. 弗莱彻相信他和曼联队友们如果想重夺EPL冠军的话就不能过于依赖鲁尼的进球。

    Darren Fletcher believes he and his Manchester United team-mates must not rely solely upon Wayne Rooney to score goals if they are to recapture the Premier League title this season .

  23. 第35分钟曼联终于击败了Cowler,近距离射门他也没办法。

    It took until the35th minute for United to finally beat Cowler , who never looked comfortable under close scrutiny .

  24. 布朗承认曼联的防守在周日对阵切尔西的时候要有更好的表现,周二曼联被莫斯科CSKA进了3个球。

    Wes Brown admits United will need to make a dramatic improvement defensively for Sunday 's trip to Chelsea after being caught out three times at the back by CSKA Moscow .

  25. 费迪南德半场被里斯。布朗换下,英格兰U-19后卫和他哥哥组成了曼联的中卫组合。

    Ferdinand was replaced by Reece Brown at half-time , and the England under-19s defender joined his elder brother Wes in the heart of the United backline .

  26. 依靠RodrigoTello的射门,土耳其冠军1-0取胜。但内维尔说真正的输球原因是曼联在进攻端表现不够好。

    The Turkish champions won1-0 courtesy of a deflected Rodrigo Tello strike , but Neville says the real reason the Reds lost was because of United 's poor showing in the final third .

  27. 曼联经理开火的时机很敏感。

    The timing of the United manager 's comments is extraordinary .

  28. 曼联球员中你最钦佩的人:鲁尼和特维斯。

    A player at United I admire : Rooney and Tevez .

  29. 但我最终还是希望成为一个曼联球员。

    But ultimately I want to be a Manchester United player .

  30. 这些都帮助曼联保持领先。

    It 's all geared to keeping United at the top .