
  • 网络optimal monetary policy
  1. 本文采用一个简单的前瞻性(Forward-looking)模型分析了中央银行确定最优货币政策规则的过程。

    This paper analyzes the process of ascertaining the optimal monetary policy rules through a simple forward - looking model .

  2. 基于理性预期模型的最优货币政策的选择及应用

    Implementation of Optimal Monetary Policy in Rational Expectations Models in China

  3. 较高的经济持续性将导致积极的最优货币政策规则。

    More persistence in economic leads to a more activist policy .

  4. 最优货币政策规则理论及应用研究

    Research on Optimal Monetary Policy Rule Theory and Application

  5. 价格水平的财政决定理论及最优货币政策

    The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level , And the Optimal Monetary Policy

  6. 最优货币政策规则的前瞻性视角分析

    A Forward-looking Analysis of the Optimal Monetary Policy Rules

  7. 货币政策乘数的不确定性将导致最优货币政策规则具有保守性;

    More uncertainty in policy multiplier leads to a more conservative and less activist policy .

  8. 资产价格泡沫与转型期最优货币政策研究:一个房地产市场案例

    The Study of Asset Price Bubble and Optimal Monetary Policy : A Case Study of Real Estate Market

  9. 本文构造了基于习惯形成的最优货币政策模型,并使用主方法求解了模型。

    This paper proposed a new optimal monetary policy model based on habit formation , and solved the model by applying primal approach .

  10. 最优货币政策问题一直是经济理论界争论的焦点,相关的理论学说也层出不穷。

    The issue of optimal monetary policy is always the disputed focus in the economic theory field and the relevant theories are endless .

  11. 然后本文计算了在通货膨胀和货币供给量增长率系数不变时,随着福利损失函数中汇率变量权重的变化,最优货币政策规则社会福利损失函数值的变化路径。

    With the weights of variables in the welfare loss function changing , weestimated the welfare loss changing path of the optimal monetary policy rules .

  12. 本文在一个随机技术冲击驱动的模型经济中,将消费攀比引入个体效用函数,研究了个体间存在消费攀比时的政府最优货币政策问题。

    In this paper , we discuss the problem of optimum quantity of money in a cash-in-advance model with random technology shock and catching up with Joneses .

  13. 然后,通过资产价格波动对货币政策的传导、资产价格波动与货币政策反应等方面重点考察了资产价格波动与货币政策困境,并以美国的相关数据实证分析了资产价格波动与最优货币政策反应。

    Through asset prices on the monetary policy transmission , asset prices and monetary policy reaction , this chapter emphatically investigates asset prices and monetary policy dilemmas , and empirically analyzes the asset prices and optimal monetary policy response by American relevant data .

  14. 理解该动态特征,不仅是分析经济周期波动的关键,也是最优货币政策设计与评价的前提&菲利普斯曲线或其中隐含的结构联系为货币政策分析施加了最根本的约束条件。

    Understanding the dynamic nature is not only the key to the analyses of business cycle fluctuations but also premise of designs and evaluations of optimal monetary policy . The Phillips Curve or the underlying structural relation exerts the most fundamental constraint to the monetary policy analysis .

  15. 本文发现,当个体之间存在消费攀比现象时,政府的最优货币政策是一种反周期的总需求管理政策当经济萎缩时,政府通过降低名义利率来刺激经济;

    We find that , with the exogenous random shocks , the government 's optimum monetary policy is a one of counter-cyclical aggregate demand management . When economy is shrinking , the government stimulates the economy by increasing the money supply and reducing the nominal interest rate ;

  16. 稳健的最优简单货币政策规则在我国的应用

    The Application of Optimal Simple Monetary Policy Rules in China

  17. 在非李嘉图规则下,最优的货币政策是消极的货币政策和积极的财政政策的结合,而且这个结论在后顾性和前瞻性的利率规则下也都是成立的。

    Under the Non-Ricardian regime , the optimal policy is the association of the passive monetary policy and positive fiscal policy , and this conclusion is also established under the backward-looking and forward-looking interest rate rule .

  18. 最优前瞻性货币政策规则的设计与应用

    The Designing and Application of the Forward-looking Monetary Policy Rules