
  • The Last Stop;THE LAST STATION;last stand
  1. 库克先生漫长旅程中的最后一站是巴黎。

    The last stop in Mr Cook 's lengthy tour was Paris

  2. 夏威夷将是他9天美国之行的最后一站。

    Hawaii will be the last stop of his nine-day US trip .

  3. 亲王美国之行的最后一站是波士顿。

    The Prince will visit Boston on the last leg of his American tour .

  4. 库克先生在行程的最后一站来到了希腊,他此行还包括了埃及和以色列。

    Mr Cook has arrived in Greece on the final stage of a tour which also included Egypt and Israel .

  5. 刚从大西洋彼岸飞回来的泰勒-斯威夫特看上去依然神清气爽,泰勒周三在伦敦结束了Red世界巡回演唱会的最后一站。

    Taylor Swift stepped off her transatlantic flight looking fresh from the shower after wrapping up her Red world tour with a final show in London on Wednesday .

  6. 旅行的最后一站,最后一个字母W的照片是在家乡蒙特利尔市拍下的。不过女孩并不知道,还有一个大大的惊喜在等着她。

    The couple were captured on film with the final letter , W , in Montreal - but he had a big surprise for her .

  7. 最后一站:约翰尼空气市场(JohnnyAirMart)。它是东村的一个菲律宾市场。来这里是为了得到一杯木兰冰激凌(Magnolia),它是一个菲律宾裔美国家庭经营的加利福尼亚公司生产的。

    One last stop : Johnny Air Mart , a Filipino market in the East Village , for a tub of Magnolia ice cream , produced by a California-based company run by a Filipino-American family .

  8. Q:据我所知,(西雅图海鹰四分卫)拉塞尔-威尔逊(RussellWilson)也参与其中。在你退役之前若能见证西雅图拥有一支NBA球队,你觉得你有可能去西雅图,把那里作为生涯最后一站吗?

    Question : " I know [ Seattle Seahawks quarterback ] Russell Wilson has gotten involved as well . How great would it be to see Seattle have a team before your career is over and , if that 's the case , could you see yourself possibly suiting up for Seattle as a way to end your career ? "

  9. 布什总统星期四访问利比里亚,这是他非洲之行的最后一站。

    President Bush finishes this trip to Africa Thursday in Liberia .

  10. 他已走到最后一站,已全无价值。

    That was the last stage . His usefulness was over .

  11. 英国是我这次欧洲之行的最后一站。

    Britain is the last leg of my European trip .

  12. 史帝芬决定我们最后一站该去蒙巴萨。

    Stefan decided that we should finally go to mumbassa .

  13. 这又是我签名售书的最后一站。

    And this is last stop in my book tour .

  14. 这次(台北的)演唱会应该很可能是这次巡回演唱的最后一站了。

    This concert might most probably be the last stop this round .

  15. 最后一站是参观苏格兰。

    The final leg of the visit was to scotland .

  16. 高校体育是大学生接受学校体育教育的最后一站,是培养学生体育能力的关键时期。

    College physical period is the key time to cultivate students physical abilities .

  17. 圣约瑟是从美国东部驶来的火车的最后一站。

    St. Joseph was the last stop for trains coming from the East .

  18. 你可以坐1路车,在最后一站下车。

    You can take bus No.1 and get off at the last stop .

  19. 星期五他的最后一站是沙特阿拉伯的首都利雅得。

    Last stop is Friday in Rhyiad , the capital of Saudi Arabia .

  20. 黑龙江是我的最后一站。

    The Heilongjiang River will be my last stop .

  21. 霍博肯并非它的最后一站。

    Hoboken isn 't its final destination . '

  22. 期望这是你的最后一站。

    Shall hope this was your last stop .

  23. 那真是最后一站,我不得不下车。

    It was the very last stop , so I had to get off .

  24. 旅行的最后一站是北京。

    The terminal of our travel is beijing .

  25. 它是我们旅游的最后一站。

    It is the end of our trip .

  26. 据了解,奥斯丁是奥巴马返回华盛顿前三次演说的最后一站。

    Austin is the final leg in his three-city trip before returning to Washington .

  27. 柳井正利用这个机会出国游历,最后一站是英国。

    Yanai took the opportunity to travel abroad and ended up in the UK .

  28. 艺术,时尚的最后一站

    Art , the Last Stop for Fashion

  29. 在最后一站下车。

    Get off at the last stop .

  30. 这是这些队伍的最后一站了

    This is the last chance for these teams to let out all the stops .