
yuè jīnɡ chū cháo
  • menarche
  1. 女性月经初潮越早、闭经越晚,乳腺癌的危险性越高。

    The women with earlier menarche and late amenorrhea had higher risks of breast cancers .

  2. 月经初潮年龄与身高、体重及父母亲的文化程度分析没有统计学意义。

    Menarche age and height , weight and education level of parents were not related.10 .

  3. 女生月经初潮年龄灰色Logistic模型的研究

    Grey-logistic model of menarche of girls

  4. 用形态发育指标预测月经初潮年龄的研究&Cox线性Logistic模型的应用

    Prediction of Age of Menarche from Indices of Morphological Development : Application of Cox 's Logistic Model

  5. 结果:两种激素随年龄和第二性征发育而增高,月经初潮组的E2、T均值高于未初潮组。

    Results : The two hormones were increasing with age and second sex character .

  6. 11、出生后母乳喂养组和非母乳喂养组两组间月经初潮年龄比较有统计学意义(p0.05),非母乳喂养组月经初潮年龄较母乳喂养组早。

    After birth , breastfeeding groups and non-breastfeeding group age of menarche between the two groups was statistically significant ( p0.05 ) . 12 .

  7. 瘦素最高峰男孩一般在唐纳生殖期(G)2-3到达,女孩则在整个青春期继续增长,且在月经初潮后有一个特殊增长。

    The leptin peak is reached at Tanner genital stage ( G ) 2-3 in boys , but in girls leptin continues to rise through puberty with a particular increase after menarche .

  8. logistic模型分析显示SLE的环境危险因素有5个(潮湿、精神刺激、日晒、刀豆、扁桃体感染),女性个人婚育史因素有3个(出生时母亲的年龄、月经初潮年龄、流产次数)。

    Environmental risk factors ( damp , mind stimulation , sunlight , sword bean , infection of tonsil ) were selected to enter the logistic model .

  9. 母亲初潮年龄,1岁时体块指数(BMI),出生时体重,母亲身高和出生时身长为影响月经初潮年龄的主要因素。

    The major correlative factors to age at menarche were mother 's menarche age , body mass index of 1 year old , birth weight , height of mother and the birth length .

  10. 蒙古族女生月经初潮年龄20年变化趋势及影响因素分析

    Trend and Influencing Factors of Menarche Age in Mongolian Students During 1985-2005

  11. 2080名女学生月经初潮及性成熟调查分析

    An Analysis of The First Menses And Sexual Maturation Of 2080 Female Pupils

  12. 月经初潮平均年龄调查与计算方法的评估

    Comparisons of methods used for collecting data and estimating median age at menarche

  13. 目的分析影响广西地区女性月经初潮年龄的相关因素。

    Objective : To analyze the correlative factors of age at menarche of Guangxi .

  14. 骨龄及其它发育指标与月经初潮关系的探讨

    The relationship between the bone age , the index of growth and the initial menstruation

  15. 福建师范大学学生月经初潮与首次遗精年龄调查

    Age of Experimentation with Menarche and First Nocturnal Emission among Students in Fujian Normal University

  16. 目的调查云南大姚彝族中学生的月经初潮状况及其对生长发育的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of menophania age on physical growth in Yi nationality girls .

  17. 月经初潮年龄的研究

    A study of menarcheal age

  18. 文献分析结果表明月经初潮年龄也受经济、地理因素的影响。

    And the economic , geographical factors of an area can affect the age at menarche . 3 .

  19. 月经初潮年龄与青年期身高、体重、体表面积、体脂的关系

    Correlation between menarche age and the stature , body weight , body surface area and body fat of young women

  20. 方法检测骨龄、月经初潮、形态、机能、身体素质等。

    Method To examine on the age of bone , the first coming of menstruation , forms , funtions , qualities and so on .

  21. 目的了解大学生月经初潮和首次遗精状况,分析与居住地的关系和心理变化情况。

    Objective To study the occurrences of menarche and first nocturnal emission and their relation to habitation , and psychological evolution a-mong university students .

  22. 采用概率单位回归法及多元回归分析法,进行月经初潮平均年龄及性发育与体质关系的研究。

    Probability unit regression and multiple regression methods were used to analyze the relationship between average menarche age , sex development and body constitution .

  23. 研究对导致乳腺癌的不同因素进行了控制,像年龄,母乳喂养以及月经初潮年龄。

    The studies did control for different factors that affect breast cancer risk , such as age , breast-feeding and age at first menstruation .

  24. 目的分析蒙古族学生月经初潮年龄的变化趋势及影响因素,为学生性教育提供干预建议。

    Objective To explore tendency and influencing factors of menarche age in Mongolian students and to provide a suggestion for sex education for students .

  25. 年龄目的探讨月经初潮年龄与中心性肥胖之间的关系,为儿童青少年肥胖的干预研究提供科学依据。

    Objective To explore the correlation between timing of menarche and central obesity , and to provide scientific evidence for the intervention of childhood obesity .

  26. 对照组包括:①10岁以后月经初潮者14例,平均年龄11.45±1.05岁;

    The control have 4 groups : ( 1 ) after 10-years-old girls have menophania 14 cases , age ( 11.45 ± 1.05 ) years ;

  27. 其中胸围、脉搏和收缩压与月经初潮年龄呈负相关,身高、体重和握力与月经初潮年龄呈正相关。

    And the bust , pulse , systolic pressure decreased linearly with menarche . The height , weight , grip had positive correlation with menarche .

  28. 相反地,他们推测兄长吸取了更多的父亲元素且能够施加心理压力,故而使得女孩子月经初潮推迟。

    Instead , they conjectured that older brothers may have delayed the physiological maturation of sisters by absorbing more parental resources or by applying psychological stresses .

  29. 保护因素按贡献大小依次为年龄、绝经、妇女文化程度高、月经初潮年龄迟、初婚年龄晚。

    Protective factors were distinguished as follows ( ranked by contribution ): age , menopause , women 's educational levels , age of menarche and first marriage .

  30. 结果:1、月经初潮年龄最早8岁,最晚21岁,平均(12.37士1.21)岁。

    Menarcheal age as early as 8 years old , the age of 21 at the latest , average ( 12.37 ± 1.21 ) age . 2 .