
  1. 成为一个有信仰的人?

    To become a man of faith and revert to islam ?

  2. 我知道你父亲是个很有信仰的人。

    I know your father is a man of faith .

  3. 我敬重那些有信仰的人,各种信仰。

    I admire people of faith , all faiths .

  4. 叫教徒自然不合适,叫她有信仰的人确实恰如其分。

    Inappropriate natural followers called and told that she had faith and rightly so .

  5. 一个有信仰的人应该得到最高的尊重。

    A man of faith deserves the highest .

  6. 因为我们是一个由有信仰的人所组成的国家。

    For we are a nation of believers .

  7. 异教徒就是那些有信仰的人。

    Infidels means people would have faith .

  8. 你是有信仰的人吗?

    Are you a person of faith ?

  9. 你看起来是个有信仰的人

    You look like someone with faith .

  10. 我怂恿有信仰的人相信。

    I encourage believers to believe .

  11. 他是一个非常忠诚的有信仰的人,每天都去教堂。

    He is a truly ( religious ) man , who goes to church every day .

  12. 他犯了很多错我是说他的人生就是一笔糊涂账但他是个非常有信仰的人

    He has a lot of faults . I mean , don 't get me started . He is a mess.But he 's very spiritual .

  13. 实际上,人类是隐藏在肉体里的灵魂,所以有信仰的人追求道德和精神价值。

    In fact , the human being is a soul cloaked in a physical body , and hence the believer is committed to moral and spiritual values .

  14. 奥巴马表示,作为一位有信仰的人,他希望世界是另一个样子,但作为总统,他必须以实事求是的态度对待世界。

    As a man of faith I wish the world were otherwise , Mr Obama said , but as president I must treat it as it is .

  15. 我是说,这或许真的是一个十字路口,许多有信仰的人感觉到,他们必须选择自己将会走哪一条路。

    I mean this is perhaps a real sort of crossroad that I think a lot of people of faith feel they have to decide between which way they 're going to go .

  16. 国家无法发现善,但是现代自由国家在组织形式上很适合提供一个框架,在这个框架里,可以进行对善的追求,并把它变成常规(有信仰的人当然也应该参与进来)。

    The state cannot find goodness : but modern liberal states are well placed organisationally to provide a framework within which a search for goodness could be conducted , and made general ( people of faith should , of course , take part in this ) .

  17. 我只是很高兴能支持一个有真正信仰的人。

    I 'm just happy to back a man of true conviction .

  18. 在这一点上我很羡慕有宗教信仰的人。

    I respect the one who has his own religious belief on this point .

  19. 对于有那些信仰的人,我始终无法与他们相处。

    I 've never been able to go along with people who believe that way .

  20. 信仰之于人:几种假设分析&论信仰发生作用的机制每一个有信仰上帝的人都相信永生?另一个生命。

    Impact of Conviction upon People : Some Hypothetic Analysis ; Every religion believes in eternity ? another life .

  21. 所以当我在美国碰到有宗教信仰的人,我应该问:“你是天主教徒还是新教徒?”

    So when I meet religious people in America , I should ask ," Are you Catholic or Protestant ?"

  22. 调查显示,有精神信仰的人比起那些没有的人要快乐和健康。

    Research shows that people who are spiritual tend to be happier and healthier than those who are not .

  23. 如果你是一个有宗教信仰的人,那么你应该知道恐惧不是上帝的意愿。

    If you are a religious person , then you should know that fear is not a God 's will .

  24. 有宗教信仰的人似乎用他们的信仰来对付因“攻击性”疗法所带来的痛苦,即使这些疗法鲜有效果。

    Religious people seem to use their faith to cope with the pain and degradation that " aggressive " medical treatment entails , even though such treatment rarely makes much odds .

  25. 奥巴马总统号召有宗教信仰的人抵制那些以宗教的名义为恶魔辩护的人,并同时提醒人们:有些人以基督耶稣的名义干恐怖的事。

    President Obama called on people of faith to reject those who use religion to justify evil – and in doing so – reminded people about the terrible things done in the name of Jesus Christ .

  26. 青年学者王军说,你是一位伟大的有着真正信仰的人。

    Wang Jun , another young scholar , says you were a great man with genuine faith .

  27. 然而,那些有强烈的信仰的人也会寻找机会去海外朝拜观音。

    Nonetheless , those with strong faith will also find opportunities to pay respect to Guan Yin abroad .

  28. 如果你去美国旅行的话,你会见到来自不同种族背景,有着不同信仰的人。

    If you travel across America , you will find people of many different ethic backgrounds and many different faiths .

  29. 我们在那里为任何有信仰和无信仰的人服务。

    We are there for those of all faiths and those with no faith .

  30. 一名网友在新浪微博上写道:“对那些有着虔诚宗教信仰的人来说,这是一种不尊重甚至是羞辱。那些发照片的人应该感到羞愧。”

    One online user posted on China Weibo : ' It is certainly irreverent and insulting to those to whom religion is a key part of their life . Those posting these images should be ashamed of themselves . '