
  1. 医护人员还会指导患者如何锻炼肺功能和有效咳嗽。

    Health care workers will also help patients with pulmonary function and how to exercise effective coughing .

  2. 研究目的1.探索气管按压法刺激成人有效咳嗽的最适力度。

    Objective : 1 . Explor the most suitable strength of tracheal pressure stimulation adult effective cough . 2 .

  3. 有效咳嗽技巧、交流技术、发音练习和吸氧、吸痰、排痰知识的需求为90%以上。

    Skill of effective cough , communication and pronunciation and knowledge of inhaling oxygen , discharging sputum were up to 90 % .

  4. 方法对11例肺移植手术患者实施胸部物理治疗,内容包括:深呼吸、有效咳嗽、胸部扣击、体位引流、机械吸引等。

    Methods Chest physiotherapy including deep breath , effective cough , chest percussion , postural drainage and mechanical absorb was performed and system condition of each patient was evaluated before operation and after operation .

  5. 认为术前训练及术后协助病人有效咳嗽排痰,超声雾化吸入、充分湿化呼吸道、适时吸痰、气管内用药等措施是预防肺部并发症的有效办法。

    It suggested that for prevention of pulmonary complications , one should provide pre-operational training , help patients to cough up phlegm effectively after operation , give ultrasonic nebulization , humidify airway sufficiently , draw sputum timely , and give endotracheal medication .

  6. 方法采用物理性预防措施,进行腹式呼吸和呵欠运动训练,变换体位与体位引流,运用叩击震动法和有效咳嗽及超声雾化吸入、口腔护理并及时吸痰。

    METHODS The methods were using physical prevention procedures , training patients with abdominal respiratory and yawn , changing position and providing position drainage , by way of knocking shaking and effective cough , ultrasonically inhaled insufflation and oral cavity nursing and aspirating sputum .

  7. 结论止咳抗敏汤能有效缓解咳嗽变异型哮喘的临床症状。

    Conclusion This Decoction is effective for cough variant asthma .

  8. 药剂师?在第四个走道上,有一些很有效的咳嗽糖浆。

    Pharmacist ? We have an excellent selection of cough syrups on Aisle 4 .

  9. 模拟结果说明,适当的换气次数可以有效削弱由正常呼吸产生的口腔飞沫,但是一般的空调通风系统不能有效削弱由于剧烈咳嗽或打喷嚏而产生的口腔飞沫。

    The results show that sufficient air exchange rate can successfully remove most droplets generated by regular exhale process , however , commonly used air conditioning system cannot be effectively used to deal with droplets generated during coughing or sneezing .