
  • 网络useful component
  1. 品位变化系数小于93%,一般为27.5%~85.3%,有用组分的分布属均匀;

    And the variety coefficient of grade is smaller than 93 % , and general is 27.5 % - 85.3 % , namely the distributing of useful component is " uniformity " .

  2. 除产Sn外,还伴生有zn、Ag、Cu、Fe等有用组分。

    In addition to the main element Sn , it contains such associated recoverable elements as Zn , Ag , Cu and Fe .

  3. 四川盆地地下卤水资源储量大,卤水浓度较高,并含有I、Br、K、Li等多种有用组分。

    Sichuan Basin is rich in underground brine resources . The brine is highly concentrated and contains such useful components as I , Br , K , Li , etc.

  4. 浙西寒武系底部黑色岩系含矿性和有用组分的赋存状态

    Ore potential and modes of occurrence of associated elements in lower Cambrian black shale of Western Zhejiang

  5. 使用溶剂萃取法回收废弃推进剂中的有用组分,从保护环境和回收资源两方面讲,具有很大的实际价值。

    To recycle obsolete propellant by solvent extraction method has profound significance considering environment protection and resource recovery .

  6. 德尔尼矿床为一含多种有用组分的综合性中、大型矿床,具典型的块状硫化物矿床特征。

    De ′ erni deposit is a large to middle scale one , and bearing multiple useful elements in it .

  7. 矿石的有用组分多样,有害杂质少,金矿物主要为自然金。

    The useful composition in the ore is multiplicity , the harmful composition is lack and the major mineral is nature Gold .

  8. 矿石有用组分以锌为主,铅、铜、金共生,其中闪锌矿中金元素含量非常高。

    The main useful components of ore are zinc , lead , copper and gold , while sphalerite is rich in gold .

  9. 该矿床铅锌矿化系列矿石中镉、镓、铟含量均超过其作为伴生有用组分的最低工业品位;

    The grades of Cd , Ga and In in the deposit are all over the least industrial grade as the associated useful composition .

  10. 成矿元素以铜为主,伴有金、银、钼、钯、硫等多种有用组分。

    The dominant ore element of the deposit is copper , with many subordinate useful components such as gold , silver , molybdenum , palladium and sulfur .

  11. 并对它们作为水泥、肥料生产和筑路工程中的原材料及有用组分回收等方面的开发利用进行了探讨。

    The paper states the development and application of raw material as cement , fertilizer and the roadstone and the recovery of useful componants are also discussed .

  12. 矿床的有用组分是划分矿床地球化学类型的重要标志,也是鉴别矿床成矿系列的依据。

    The useful composition of deposit is an important symbol dividing geochemical types of deposits , also they are the basis for determining metallogenic series of ore deposits .

  13. 该方案可回收硼酸脱水过程中余热和烟气中有用组分.除尘率可达90%以上。

    Useful compositions in remaining heat and smoke of boric acid dehydrating process can be recovered with this program , and dust - removal rate is exceed 90 % .

  14. 氧化带的有用组分为金和银,已圈定矿体7个,其平均品位Au2.68g/t,Ag26.20g/t。

    The useful components in the oxidation zones are gold and silver . 7 orebodies have been delineated already . The average grade is 2.68g/t for Au , 26.20g/t for Ag .

  15. 青海某大型铜矿,由于矿石有用组分多,共生关系复杂,铜的嵌布粒度很细,且脉石矿物多易于泥化,属难选矿。

    The ores in a large copper in Qinghai were refractory ores due to many useful components of ores , complex associated relations , fine disseminated size of copper and many gangue minerals that were easy to be slimed .

  16. 该矿床不仅规模巨大,而且除主元素铜、钼达到超大型外,其他有用组分金、银、铅锌均达到大型规模。

    The deposit is not only huge in the scale , but also many main elements like copper and molybdenum reach the ultra-large type and except these two elements , other useful components such as gold , silver , lead and zinc all achieve a large scale .

  17. 局部钒高,可达有用伴生组分品位,有害元素磷主要赋存于磷灰石中,其他有用有害组分均较低。

    Local area has a high grade of V and is enough to reach the useful associated components grade . The harmful elements of P mainly occur in the apatite .

  18. 目前,世界各国在矿山固体废弃物污染治理中主要采用的方法有用作建筑材料、充填采空区、回收利用有用组分及造地复田等,已经取得了较好的成效。

    At present , the methods which has adopted to dispose of the mine solid wastes in the world mainly have used for building material , filling the goaf , recycling useful components , reclamation , and so on . Such works have already gotten good results .