
  • 网络Ansys;abaqus
  1. 并使用有限元分析软件对不同微桥进行结构分析,以比较其稳固性

    Its distributing of stress is simulated by finite element analysis software order to compare their fixedness .

  2. Visualc++在开发二维渗流有限元分析软件中的应用

    Application of visual c + + in developing 2D FEM analysis software for seepage

  3. 本论文成功地实现了与三维CAD软件之间的信息交换及实体重现,使有限元分析软件减少了实体建模软件的重复开发。

    This paper has successfully realized the information exchange with CAD software and solid re-display .

  4. 利用大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS对龙门架钢结构进行强度分析。

    Strength analysis of crane gantry structure is conducted with ANSYS .

  5. 计算程序采用有限元分析软件ANSYS。

    All the calculations are completed by the FEM software Ansys .

  6. 根据建立的数学模型,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对隔膜在最大受载作用下进行应力、应变分析,直观地观察并总结其受力状态与变形特征。

    There are stress analysis and strain anslysis of diaphragm by ANSYS ;

  7. 研究是通过采用有限元分析软件ANSYS进行有限元数值模拟试验来完成。

    The study is based on numerical simulation experiment of finite element method by ANSYS .

  8. 基于ANSYS大型通用有限元分析软件,对某型号的缠绕型全自动液压压砖机进行了有限元模态分析。

    Based Ansys software , automatic hydraulic press of steel wire-wound is analyzed of modal .

  9. 文中应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对型钢混凝土梁构件施工荷载作用进行模拟。

    Applying finite analysis software ANSYS , this paper simulates construction load of SRC beam .

  10. 运用有限元分析软件ANSYS对内插管抗性消声器内部声场及流体进行了有限元分析。

    Finite element analysis software ANSYS is applied to analyze sound field and fluid of muffler .

  11. 然后采用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对滚子-滚圈接触特性进行了数值模拟。

    Then the numerical simulation is used on roller-raceway contact characteristics with ANSYS finite element analysis software .

  12. 利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对新型铜-铝-铜三层复合板内部涡流场进行模拟计算。

    The eddy current fields in three-layer copper and aluminum composite plates were analyzed using the software ANSYS .

  13. 为有限元分析软件ANSYS提供了接口程序,方便用户进行有限元分析的工作。

    An interface program to ANSYS is made to convenient the user ' work of the finite element analysis .

  14. 本文对悬臂板模拟不同的位置、不同长度、不同角度的各种裂纹情况利用有限元分析软件ANSYS进行了数值仿真分析。

    FEM numerical simulation to cracks with different location , different length and different angle is taken with ANSYS .

  15. 首先,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件进行施工期结构荷载效应的分析。

    First of all , the load effects of the structure during construction are studied by means of ANSYS .

  16. 用有限元分析软件ANSYS对四分压电陶瓷管进行模态分析,得出该陶瓷管的前12阶谐振频率和模态振型。

    Using the ANSYS software of finite element , modal analysis is executed and twelve steps harmonic frequency are obtained .

  17. 接着采用ANSYS有限元分析软件,建立二维分析模型,模拟车站基坑开挖,得到开挖过程中的内力和位移。

    Then , using ANSYS , the finite element analysis software to establish two-dimensional model to simulate the station excavation .

  18. 利用Ansys有限元分析软件,对梯度结构聚晶金刚石复合片在制造过程中产生的残余热应力进行了分析,并与传统的双层结构金刚石-硬质合金复合片的残余热应力进行了对比。

    Residual thermal stress of functionally graded polycrystalline diamond compact was analyzed by the finite element method with ANSYS software .

  19. 采用大型通用的有限元分析软件ANSYS作分析平台,对兆瓦级风电机组桨毂结构进行了静强度分析与形状尺寸的优化设计。

    The static intensity analysis of the hubs of MW level wind turbines have been accomplished using the ANSYS software .

  20. 利用有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,对板坯切分法轧制H型钢异型坯进行了有限元模拟。

    The profiled billet simulation of slab cut-dividing method of H-beam was conducted by finite element method with software ANSYS / LSDYNA .

  21. 并应用有限元分析软件HyperMesh和ANSYS对角度调整机构进行了静力学分析和模态分析。

    Paper applies finite Hyper Mesh and ANSYS for statics analysis and modal analysis on angle adjustment mechanism .

  22. 使用有限元分析软件ANSYS对结构建模,并进行模态和谐响应分析。

    The modal and harmonic response analysis of the structure were implemented using the finite element analysis method with ANSYS software .

  23. 同时,采用ansys有限元分析软件对坝肩岩体变形过程进行了数值模拟分析。

    Meanwhile , the ANSYS software of FEM is applied for numerical analysis to rock mass deformation process on dam abutment .

  24. 设计了一种新型管材运输保护装置,并运用有限元分析软件ANSYS对其进行了计算分析,从而保证其强度和可靠性。

    A new type of transportation and protection equipment for tube material is designed and calculated using finite element analysis software ANSYS .

  25. 将压电驱动编织复合材料结构离散为压电材料和编织复合材料,通过施加电压改变编织复合材料的变形,采用有限元分析软件ANSYS分析了压电编织复合材料的变形。

    This paper analyzes the deformation of the braided composite material driven by piezoelectric material with the finite element analysis software ANSYS .

  26. 为选取加热丝型号及确定其合理布局,采用ANSYS有限元分析软件进行热应力分析。

    In order to define suitable alloy heaters and achieve their reasonable layouts , thermal analysis was carried out with ANSYS code .

  27. 利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对SCS系列汽车衡秤台的静态特性进行分析。

    The static characteristics of the modular platform of SCS series vehicle scale were analyzed with ANSYS software .

  28. 结论借助螺旋CT扫描技术和ANSYS有限元分析软件,建立上颌腭骨的有限元模型是切实可行的。

    Conclusion It is feasible to construct the three dimensional finite element model of palatal implants in palate by using Spiral CT scan technique and ANSYS software .

  29. 在研究中,应用ANSYS有限元分析软件对薄板结构焊接温度场、应力和变形的演化过程、屈曲变形进行数值分析。

    The welding temperature field , stress , distortion evolvement processes and buckling distortion of thin-wall plate were analyzed by using ANSYS FEA software .

  30. 作为一种强大的有限元分析软件,ANSYS与其他的CAD/CAM/CAE软件之间的数据转换是非常重要的。

    Since ANSYS is a powerful FEA tool , the data transition between ANSYS and other CAD / CAM / CAE software is important .