
  1. 今年他们决定的服饰式样到了明年却被他们做了180度的大改革。

    This year they decide in their arbitrary fashion that such as the style of dress and next year they will rest a lot mercilessly .

  2. 门那边是朵拉(Dora),它专营连衣裙和女式外套,是拥有30年历史的家庭店铺,由朵拉·卢比奇(DoraRubic)经营,展示自省设计的丝绸、羊绒、羊毛和羊驼毛服饰,式样优雅高贵。

    Just beyond the gate , you 'll find Dora , specializing in dresses and women 's coats . The three-decade-old family business , run by Dora Rubic , displays elegant in-house designs made of silk , cashmere , angora and alpaca .

  3. 中国服饰相继了几千年,积聚了难以数计服饰类型和式样,这些服饰所体现出来的设计思想和设计艺术,是无数艺匠智慧的结晶。

    Chinese finery has accumulated a countless of fashion types and patterns through a successive of thousands of years . The design idea and art represented by this finery is a crystal of countless artists ' wisdom .