
  • 网络wangdu county;Wangdu;Wangdu Condado;Wangdu Comt
  1. 望都县2004&2005年居民死因调查分析

    Mortality Cause Analyses of Residents of Wangdu County during 2004-2005

  2. 望都县人民法院发表声明称,李启铭对酒后驾车和交通肇事致人死亡罪表示认罪。

    Li pled guilty to drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter , the People 's Court in Wangdu County said in a statement .

  3. 从中国的首都北京向西南180公里,有一个以盛产优质辣椒而闻名中外的平原县&河北省望都县。

    From the Chinese capital , Beijing , 180 km south-west , there is a high-quality rich and famous chili plain County-Wangdu County , Hebei Province .

  4. 望都县是我国北方重要的辣椒集散地,被誉为全国“三大辣都”之首。

    Wangdu country is one of the most key distributing centers of pepper in the north China and is honored by the name of the " leader of three LaDus " .