
  • 网络Facing the water;waterward
  1. 有一个塔楼,正面朝水的那幢?

    The one with a tower , facing the water front ?

  2. 早些时候我朝水里的倒影瞧了瞧,差点认不出自己。

    I looked at my reflection in the water earlier and scarcely recognized myself .

  3. 谁知我朝水里一看自己的倒影,就知道又不妙了。

    But as soon as I looked at myself in the water I knew it had been no good .

  4. 朝水有一个朝此方向的推力,水反过来推水管,就让水管蛇行了。

    The garden hose pushes onto the water in this direction The water pushes back onto the garden hose and it snakes back .

  5. 朝看水东流,暮看日西坠。

    Watch the water flows east toward sunset see day west , crash .

  6. 中国海军已朝着蓝水海军的目标迈进了好几步。

    The Chinese navy has already taken several steps towards this goal .

  7. 她头朝下跳进水里。

    She dived in head first .

  8. 或者说,小手指领先出水,保持大拇指朝下对准水,当手与肩齐时,手掌转平入水。

    Or the little finger acts first , and the thumb to be aiming down towards the water till the hands are even with the shoulder , and then they flat now for entry .

  9. 他的战友在沟里找到了他,他脸朝下躺在水里,炮弹的碎片炸开了他的脑袋。

    His comrades found him in a canal , face down , underwater , shrapnel in his brain .