
  • 网络Wooden Crafts;Wood Crafts;Wooden handicraft
  1. 我们公司能生产和提供各种木制工艺品,产品涵盖佛像、家具和小摆饰。

    Our company can produces and offers all kind of wooden crafts , the products cover figure of Buddha , furniture and small decorations .

  2. 在设计课上,我们可以做一些简单的木制工艺品。

    In it we can design some uncomplicated handicrafts .

  3. 嘉兴市木制工艺品油漆车间有机溶剂治理效果观察

    Observation on the control effect of organic solvents in painting workshops for wooden craftwork in Jiaxing city

  4. 这有点掉价啊像得到一块木头那样无趣就算是木头也可以有点创意把它整成木制工艺品

    It 's sort of like downfall like you go for a wood , wood you can sort of come up with something creative like wood things

  5. 上海利格蒙特礼品制作有限公司是专门从事各类中高档木制工艺品和箱包手袋的设计、开发和销售的礼品生产厂家。

    Shanghai Ligament Gift Manufactory is a professional company which is committed to design , produce and sell luggage , handbags and wooden craft products of middle and high quality .