
  • 网络xylem ray;wood ray;ray
  1. 愈伤组织由靠近伤口表面未成熟的本薄壁组织细胞和木射线细胞分裂产生,维管形成层在愈伤组织内层发生,且是一个渐进的过程。

    The callus started to produce near the surface of the wound from the remaining immature xylem cells including xylem parenchyma cells and xylem ray parenchyma cells , and the vascular cambium was gradually initiated within the callus .

  2. 系统研究了中国木兰科(Magnoliaceae)9属66种植物的木射线类型、高度和宽度。

    A systematical study of the types , height and width of wood rays of sixty-six species in nine genera in Magnoliaceae an China was carried out .

  3. 木射线为单列或多列的异型射线,由横卧细胞、方形细胞和直立细胞共同构成。

    The marginal ray cells are squared cells or upright cells .

  4. 木射线系混合异型Ⅱ,极少数为混合异型Ⅲ。

    Wood rays are mixed heterotype ⅱ, few are that of ⅲ .

  5. 香樟干、枝材木射线及导管的研究

    Wood ray and vessel of the trunk and branch wood of Cinnamomum camphora Presl

  6. 木射线中等,显微镜下宽2-6个细胞。

    Medium-ray , under the microscope W2-6 cells .

  7. 弦切面上木射线与轴向薄壁组织形状、大小均不相同;

    The shape and size of wood ray is different form that of longitudinal parenchyma ;

  8. 泡桐为0%,62.2%,50.7%。4、树脂在泡桐内主要渗透路径是木射线,及射线细胞周围的纹孔,树脂在杨木内主要渗透路径是导管。

    The main impregnation path in the poplar is vessel , but in Paulownia is ray .

  9. 木射线较少;

    The wood rays are heterogeneous ;

  10. 中国木兰科9属66种植物木射线的比较解剖学研究

    Comparative anatomical studies on the wood rays of sixty-six species in nine genera of Magnoliaceae in China

  11. 木射线由射线管胞和射线薄壁细胞组成,具单列和纺缍形两类射线;

    The wood rays are uniseriate and fusiform and consisted of ray tracheids and ray parenchyma cells .

  12. 木射线多为单列,少数为部分双列,高2~39个(多为3~5个)细胞。

    Rays usually uniseriate , sometimes partly_ biseriate and 2 to 39 ( mainly 3-5 ) cells high .

  13. 与健康组织相比.其管胞的长、宽和木射线高度均差异显著。

    There are significant difference in tracheids ' length and width and height of wood ray comparing with healthy tissues .

  14. 在根中,草酸钙簇晶分布于皮层、韧皮射线、木射线的薄壁细胞中。

    In root , clusters of calcium oxalate distribution in parenchyma cells of the cortex , phloem ray and wood rays .

  15. 自由基相对含量与变色程度之间存在相关性,松木边材变色与树脂道、木射线、内含物及木材含水量等因子密切相关。

    The sap stain of pine woods are closely related to such elements as resin canal , wood ray , extractives , water content etc.

  16. 结合木材组织构造总体特点,本文重点分析了横切面上管孔、树脂道,弦切面上木射线形态特征。

    It mainly analyzed the morphological characteristics of pores and resin canal on transverse section and wood ray on tangential section on the basis of wood structure .

  17. 通过对中国胡桃科6属13种所做的次生木质部的木射线类型,高度,宽度,密度以及轴向薄壁组织的研究。

    A systematical study of the types , height width of wood rays and axial . Parenchyma of thirteen species in six genera in Juglandaceae from China was carried out .

  18. 木射线单列,高1~11(2~5)个细胞,每平方毫米具65~70条木射线,端壁节状加厚和凹痕均较明显;

    Xylem rays are mostly uniseriate with 1-11 ( 2-5 ) cells in height and 65-70 rays per mm ~ 2 in density , among which nodular and indenture structure is apparent .

  19. 研究水淹程度对枫杨木射线的影响,结果表明,两组间木射线宽度和高度在径向上的变化基本一致,而在轴向上变化却不同。

    The experimental results showed that the width of ray ( RW ) and height of ray ( RH ) of the two groups varied similarly in radial while differently in axial .

  20. 根据中脉维管束结构特点:木质部与韧皮部的位置,木质部的形状,木射线排列的方式,可分为5个类型:(1)圆形周韧维管束;

    According to the arrangement of phloem and xylem , shape of xylem and the Arranging way of xylem rays , the midrib bundles were divided into five forms :( 1 ) amphicribral round bundle ;

  21. 维管组织中次生韧皮部所占根径的比例达46%,其薄壁细胞中内含物较丰富,次生木质部中分布有导管和木射线及少量木薄壁组织;

    The secondary phloem occupied 46 % of the diameter of the root and the parenchymas cells had abundant inclusions . The secondary xylem consisted of vessels , and xylary radial and some xylary parenchyma cells .

  22. 染料木黄酮对γ射线损伤小鼠免疫功能的影响

    Effect of genistein on immune function of γ - ray irradiated mice

  23. 结果表明:沙柳主要由导管、木纤维、木射线薄壁细胞及少量轴向薄壁细胞组成。

    The cells are of four types : vessel , fibre , ray parenchyma and axial parenchyma .

  24. 管孔、轴向薄壁组织、木纤维和木射线的体积率分别为18.6%、10.1%、58.0%和13.4%;

    The volume rate of pore , longitudinal parenchyma , wood fibre and wood ray is 18.6 % , 10.1 % , 58.0 % and 13.4 % , respectively ;

  25. 软枣猕猴桃木薄壁组织及木射线的研究

    Studies on wood parenchyma and wood rays of Actinidia arguta ( sieb et zucc ) Planch ex Miquel

  26. 木纤维比量、木射线比量、导管比量、薄壁组织比量的平均值分别为:70.2%、14.3%、9.9%、5.6%,各组织比量随着树龄的增加变化较小。

    The proportions of wood fiber , wood ray , vessel and parenchyma are 70.2 % , 14.3 % , 9.9 % and 5.6 % respectively , and all wood tissues proportion are almost constant with ages .

  27. 木纤维比量、导管比量、木射线比量和薄壁组织比量平均值分别为54.8%、16.5%、27.6%、1.1%;

    The average proportion of fiber tissues , proportion of vessel tissues , proportion of wood ray tissues and proportion of longitudinal parenchyma were respectively 54.8 % , 16.5 % , 27.6 % , 1.1 % .

  28. 化石木木材由导管、木纤维、木射线组成。

    The fossil wood is composed of vessels , fibers and rays .