
  • 网络wood products;timber products
  1. 部分木材制品出口退税率调低对木材行业的影响

    Impacts Caused by Reduction of Export Tax Rebate Rates on Some Wood Products

  2. 现代木材制品机械加工中通过调整切削参数可以获得更好的切削表面质量,进而提高加工质量,降低加工成本。

    Through adjusting cutting parameters , wood products can obtain better cutting surface quality which may improve processing quality and reduce processing cost in wood machining process .

  3. 目前,我国已是木材制品生产大国,但还不是强国,关键在于缺少拥有自主知识产权的、先进的木材加工数控系统。

    At present , China is a big but not strong producer of wood products . The key lies in the lack of advanced wood processing NC system with independent intellectual property rights .

  4. 本次研究以磨削加工制品的表面性能为研究对象,通过调节磨削加工参数,寻求磨削参数与木材制品表面切削质量的关系,以及表面质量与胶合强度的关系,以求指导实际生产。

    This study takes surface properties of sanded wood pieces as research object and tries to seek the relationship among sanding parameters , surface quality of sanded wood pieces and bonding strength by changing sanding parameters .

  5. 自贸协定升级后,中新两国将向对方开放部分木材纸制品市场。

    The upgraded FTA will see both countries open their markets for certain wood and paper products .

  6. 在分析数控系统工作流程的基础上,充分考虑木材异型制品的工艺特点,利用模拟仿真原理知识,以VC++作为开发工具,运用MFC类库和多线程技术,实现系统的模拟仿真。

    On the basis of analyzing the working process of NC system and considering the technological characteristics of special-shaped wood products , the system simulation is realized by using VC + + as a development tool and using the simulation principle knowledge , the MFC class library and multi-thread technology .

  7. 高效液相色谱法测定木材及其制品中的酚类防腐剂

    Determination of phenolic preservatives in wood products by high performance liquid chromatography

  8. 木材及其制品法向吸声系数的实验研究

    An experimental study of the normal acoustic absorptivity coefficient of wood and its products

  9. 融合机器视觉、X射线等单一传感器技术检测木材及木制品,可以更准确地实时检测出木材的各种缺陷;

    The technology could inspect the wood and its products more precisely by fusing single-sensor technologies such as machine vision and X-ray .

  10. 2007年我国木材及木制品进出口分析

    Import and Export Analysis of China 's Wood and Wooden Products in 2007

  11. 木材及木制品税收政策的调整对木制品行业的影响

    Influence of Tax Policy Adjustments of Wood and Wood Product on the Industry

  12. 木材、木制品或木结构。

    Timber or objects and structures made of it .

  13. 出口:电(印度)豆蔻,石膏,木材,手工制品。

    Exports : electricity ( to India ), cardamom , gypsum , timber , handicrafts .

  14. 工业:旅游,服装,米粉,渔业,木材及木材制品。

    Industry : tourism , garments , rice milling , fishing , wood and wood products .

  15. 木材和木材制品工业

    Wood and wood products industry

  16. 木质包装材料是用于支撑、保护或装载货物的木材或木制品。

    Wood packing material is wood or wood product used in supporting , protecting , or carrying a consignment .

  17. 而人们对木材及纸制品的需求量日益增长,所砍伐的树木难以满足人们的需求。

    While the demands of the woods and papers products keep increasing . It can hardly meet the needs of human beings .

  18. 该阻燃液阻燃效果好,成本低,适用于木材等阻燃制品,用火焰点燃,只碳化不燃烧。

    This fire retardant liquid has good fire retardant effects and is low cost suitable for fire retardant products made of timber , when ignited with flame only carbonated without combustion .

  19. 发展人造板产业可以缓解木材及木制品的供需矛盾,有效地节省林木资源、改善生态条件、促进林业建设。

    Using forest resources develops the wood-based panel ( WBP ) industry in a sound way , which will , in turn , play an effective role in saving forest resources , protecting the ecosystem and advancing the sustainable development of forestry .

  20. 木材纤维对软木制品性能的影响

    Influence of Wood Fiber on Properties of Cork Product

  21. 木材干燥是木制品加工生产中的一道重要工序。

    Wood drying is a very important process in the manufacture of wood products .

  22. 各种木材加工、木材制品的制造刀具的质量是关键。

    Each kind of woodworking , wood products'manufacture cutting tool 's quality is a key .

  23. 切割下料问题广泛存在于国民经济生产的各大行业中,例如机械制造业、服装加工业、家具制造业、木材加工业以及皮革制品制造业等。

    The cutting stock problems exist widely in the national productions , such as machine building industry , garment processing , furniture manufacturing , wood-processing industry , leather and leather product industries and so on .

  24. 交替各方向纹理的木材层,减少了很多以前木材制品的弱点。

    Alternating the grain directions of each layer of timber reduces many of the weakness that previous timber products had .

  25. 全球各国政府已经开始广泛关注关于减少木材资源的过度使用、高效的利用有限能源、提高木材制品的质量问题。

    How to reduce the excessive use of wood , use the limited resources effectively and improve the quality of wood products has aroused widespread concern by the government of many countries .

  26. 田纳西州木材业将如何用这些材料吸引人们,这有重要意义,比纳什维尔的整个音乐产业还重要,这将影响一年约带来210亿美元收入的木材制品。

    How these materials to pay for production fill Tennessee someone out of sight timber industry , but it 's significant , bigger than Nashville entire music business and affect timber products generates some 21 billion dollars a year .