
  • 网络wood density;The Density in Wood
  1. X射线测定木材密度的基本理论和方法简介

    Basic principles and methods to determine wood density under X-ray

  2. 与杨树木材密度、纤维性状相关的SSR分子标记

    SSR Molecular Markers Related to Wood Density and Fibre Traits in Poplar

  3. 例如,多学科数据库德律阿得斯是最受欢迎的数据集之一,它与全球木材密度有关。

    For   example ,   one   of   the   most   popular   data   sets   on multidisciplinary   repository   Dryad   is   about   wood   density   around   the   world .

  4. 单色软X射线木材密度计的研制

    Developing new monochromatic soft X ray densitometer

  5. Hook)人工林样木为材料,对材性性状的株内变异性进行了分析,结果表明:(1)在株内不同部位,木材密度和管胞长度存在着显著的变异性;

    Results show as follows : 1 ) The within-tree variation in wood specific gravity ( SG ) and tracheid length ( TL ) is significant .

  6. 结合SSR分子标记结果,采用单因素方差分析法进行标记与性状的相关分析,共找到与木材密度、纤维长、纤维宽以及微纤丝角相关联的标记分别为5、7、4、2个;

    Using the method of single factor variance , the SSR markers correlated with wood density , fibre length , fibre width and fibre angle were identified to be 5,7,4 and 2 , respectively .

  7. 泰兴杂交种F1代2年生子代苗的木材密度、纤维宽度和纤维长宽比均无显著差异,而木材含水率、纤维长度和微纤丝角存在显著或极显著差异。

    Wood density , fiber width , fiber length to width of Taixing two-year hybrid seedlings had no significant variances , while fiber length , microfibril angel and water content of wood showed significant variances . 6 .

  8. 树龄、晚材率和木材密度与MOE、MOR在0.01水平上呈显著正相关,木材基本密度估测MOE、MOR优于晚材率。

    MOE and MOR were significant positively related to tree age , latewood percent and wood density . Wood density could be a best factor used for predicting MOE and MOR in wood improvement .

  9. 木材密度与晚材率的正相关显著。

    Wood basic density is clearly related to late wood percent .

  10. 杉木人工林木材密度及干缩性变异规律

    Variation in Densities and Shrinkages of Chinese Fir Wood From Plantation

  11. 肥对木材密度的影响,规律性不明显。

    N and K fertilizer had no evident effect on wood density .

  12. 杉木和马尾松木材密度的变异

    Variation in wood densities in Chinese fir and Masson Pine

  13. 32个杉木无性系木材密度和力学性质的变异

    Variations in Wood Density and Mechanical Properties of 32 Chinese Fir Clones

  14. 云杉属木材密度与声学特性参数之间关系的研究

    Relationship between Picea genera Wood Density and Sound Characteristic Parameters

  15. 木材密度包括强制保护层的质量。

    The values provided for wood include the mass of mandatory preservatives .

  16. 各无性系间木材密度差异极显著,最大者较对照群众杨提高了23.5%,无性系间纤维长度差异极显著。

    There were significant differences of the timber density between the clones .

  17. 树木的生长性状与木材密度没有明显的相关性。

    There is no obvious correlation between wood density and growth characters .

  18. 稻秸/木材密度纤维板的复合工艺及其性能

    Manufacture of Rice Straw / Wood Based Medium Density Fiberboard

  19. 杉木人工林木材密度和纤维长度的预测模型

    Forecasting patterns of wood density and fiber length of Chinese fir from Plantation

  20. 红松木材密度与气候变化关系的实证分析

    Empirical analysis on relationships between wood density of Pinus koraiensis and climate change

  21. 造林密度对I-63杨木材密度的影响

    Effect of planting density on timber density in Populus deltoides CL / Harvard

  22. 管胞长度与木材密度的相关关系为正相关。

    The relation of tracheid and the density of wood were direct proportion .

  23. 邓恩桉生长、木材密度和树皮厚度的遗传变异研究

    Genetic Variation in Growth , Wood Density and Bark Thickness of Eucalyptus dunnii

  24. 木材密度高,难于加工。

    The wood is dense and difficult to work .

  25. 木材密度力学性质及其换算关系

    Wood Density , Mechanical Properties and Their Conversion

  26. 杉木优良家系木材密度及生长遗传稳定性分析

    The Analyses of Wood Densities and Growth Heredity Stability of Cunninghamia lanceolata Fine Families

  27. 日本花柏人工林生长规律与晚材率、木材密度的变异

    Growth Regularity of Chamaecyparis pisifera and Variations for Latewood Percentage and Wood Basic Density

  28. 板栗木材密度和直径生长的研究

    Wood Density and Diameter Growth in Chinese Chestnut

  29. 11种针叶树木材密度与切削阻力关系的研究

    Studies on relationship between wood density and cutting resistance of 11 Chinese coniferous woods

  30. 人工林杨树木材密度变异规律的研究

    Variation Patterns of Wood Density in Plantation Poplar