
wèi jué sù sònɡ
  • Pending litigation;pending action;lis pendens;moot action;pendency of action
  1. 不方便法院、最先受理与承认预期规则构成了未决诉讼制度的主要基础。

    Forum Nor Convenience , Recognition Prognosis and First-seized Approach are important bases of Lis Pendens .

  2. 咨询集团hermesequityownershipservices的汉斯-克里斯托夫希尔特(hans-christophhirt),对德银受到的调查和未决诉讼的数量和规模表示担忧,并称德银可能扩张得太快了。

    Hans-christoph Hirt at Hermes equity ownership services , an advisory group , voices concern about the number and scale of investigations and pending litigation and says Deutsche may have expanded too quickly .

  3. 苹果表示,不愿就未决诉讼置评。

    Apple said it would not comment on pending litigation .

  4. 并且还有几宗与手卷烟有关的未决诉讼。

    And there are several pending lawsuits regarding roll-your-own cigarettes .

  5. 这份协议意味着两家公司在美国和欧洲法庭近20项未决诉讼即将了结。

    The agreement means nearly two dozen lawsuits in the US and European courts are over .

  6. 华为技术有限公司与摩托罗拉解决方案公司周三在一份联合声明中宣布,已就双方之间的所有未决诉讼达成和解。

    Huawei Technologies and Motorola Solutions said in a joint statement on Wednesday they had agreed to drop pending lawsuits against each other .

  7. 该发言人还称,新鲜的因由通知书的发出,无须和未决诉讼可以继续和完成。

    The spokesman further maintained that issuance of fresh show cause notices is not required and pending proceedings can be continued and finalized .

  8. 6起未决诉讼的原告名单涵盖了各类机构投资者,包括基金会、捐赠基金、利润分享计划以及所有类型的养老金。

    The roster of plaintiffs across the six pending lawsuits covers the spectrum of institutional investors , including pensions of all stripes as well as foundations , endowments and profit-sharing plans .

  9. Axact已提起数宗未决诉讼,谢赫发表公开声明驳斥媒体竞争者的指控,否认Axact得到了巴基斯坦军方或有组织犯罪集团的支持。

    Axact has filed several pending lawsuits , and Mr. Shaikh has issued vigorous public denials , to reject accusations by media competitors that the company is being supported by the Pakistani military or organized crime .

  10. 英美法系国家通常采用不方便法院原则、未决诉讼、禁诉命令等弹性的分析方法来处理此类问题,而大陆法系的一些国家则采用承认预期原则等方式解决国际平行诉讼。

    Common law countries used the flexible means such as " forum non convenience "、" lis alibi pendens "、" anti-suit injunction " to solve the international parallel proceedings , and civil law countries take the " recognition prognosis principle " to deal with such problems .

  11. 三星与夏普今天分别发表声明表示将结束两家公司相互之间现在所有未决的诉讼并将共享有关LCD面板和模组的专利。

    Samsung , the world 's largest LCD maker , and Sharp will drop all pending lawsuits and share patents on LCD panels and modules , the two companies said in separate statements today .

  12. 挪威卫生部的官员似乎没有被这项未决的诉讼所烦扰。

    Norwegian health officials did not appear troubled by the pending litigation .