
wèi zhī lǐnɡ yù
  • terra incognita;terra incognizable
  1. 和《迷失Z城》一样,《星际探索》的灵感也源自《黑暗之心》,讲述一名探险者前往危险未知领域的旅途。

    Like The Lost City , it is a Heart of Darkness-inspired drama about an explorer travelling to dangerous uncharted territory .

  2. 我在Google工作时接手的两个项目&AdSense和GoogleAnswers,在当时对于公司的来说还算未知领域。

    Two of the first projects I worked on at Google , AdSense and Google Answers , were both uncharted territory for the company .

  3. 虽然目前有关AD的发病机制、基因定位以及诊断和治疗方面已经取得了很多成就,但仍有许多未知领域有待于进一步探索。

    Although we had some knowledge of the etiology , gene location , diagnosis and therapy of AD , there are still a lot of unknown field about AD need to be done .

  4. 是否可以利用RNAi技术沉默腺样囊性癌细胞中活跃的癌基因c-Myc和/或H-ras的表达,以达到阻止或减缓肿瘤细胞生长的目的尚属未知领域。

    It is an unknown field that whether RNAi can be used to reduce the expression of c-Myc gene and H-ras gene in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma so as to treat the disease .

  5. 英国气象办公室哈德莱中心(UKMetOffice'sHadleyCentre)气候监测与分析的负责人彼得斯托特(PeterStott)表示,人为造成的气候变化是升温的罪魁祸首,导致世界进入“未知领域”。哈德莱中心发布的研究报告也印证了美国研究人员的分析结果。

    Man-made climate change is the main culprit for warming that was leading the world into " uncharted territory , " said Peter Stott , head of climate monitoring and attribution at the UK Met Office 's Hadley Centre for climate research , which released separate findings confirming the US analysis .

  6. 据毕马威的咨询合伙人夏穆斯雷(ShamusRae)称:这些地方还是新兴地区,因此会有一定风险,这多晒是在开拓未知领域。

    According to Shamus Rae , advisory partner at KPMG : These locations are still emerging and , as such , can carry a degree of risk ; an element of venturing into the unknown .

  7. 音群论&旋律学未知领域的探索

    Theory of Sound Constitution & Research of the Unknown Field of Melodies

  8. 创造思维是在辩证思维的基础上发挥人的主观能动性,深求未知领域的规律,获得创新成果的思维形态。

    Creating thought refers to the thinking modality to get innovating production .

  9. 毫不畏惧未知领域。

    Wood people are unafraid of unknown territory .

  10. 但总的来说,人们将如何与虚拟世界互动仍是一个未知领域。

    But how people will interact with the imaginary worlds remains largely unknown territory .

  11. 我即将进入一个未知领域。

    I 'm entering an uncharted territory .

  12. 对未知领域的探索,是人类社会发展进步的不懈追求。

    Exploration of the unknown space is the pursuit of development and progress of human society .

  13. 充满吸引力的待遇和光明的前进,将让你轻松的转型并进入一个全新的未知领域。

    Attractive offers and prospects of lucrative returns make the transition into hitherto unknown fields easier .

  14. 对我们设计限制的并不是那些未知领域而往往是已占据我们头脑内已知的东西。

    To our limits are not the field and is often equates we have in mind .

  15. 而标志2处是个未知领域。

    Symbol 2 was the wildcard .

  16. 各家央行已步入全新的未知领域,这将带来难以预料、影响可能十分深远的后果。

    Central banks are in new and uncharted territory , with unpredictable and potentially profound consequences .

  17. 他在一次采访中表示:这将发生于未知领域。

    This is going to take place in uncharted territory , he said in an interview .

  18. 未知领域工作室。

    Unknown Region work room .

  19. 越来越多的人认识到利用水下智能机器人来探索人类未知领域深海大洋的重要性。

    More and more people realize the importance to explore the deep ocean using underwater intelligent robot .

  20. 我们就想利用一定的自由度来重新思索画作展出的方式,这是个未知领域。

    We want to exploit some of that freedom in rethinking presentation . It is uncharted territory .

  21. 在这一未知领域,不断有新的假说提出,但其科学性有待进一步考证。

    In this field , hypotheses are continually coming out , but validation of those hypotheses is needed .

  22. 科学研究是社会认识活动,是对未知领域的探索活动。

    The scientific research is one kind of society knowing activity and an exploration activity to unknown area .

  23. 主流组织将寻找他们认为安全的可能性,而不是进入未知领域去冒风险。

    Mainstream organizations will go for what they deem are safe bets rather than venture into unknown territories .

  24. 贝佐斯认为,成功的公司一般是那些愿意探索未知领域的公司。

    Successful firms , he says , tend to be the ones that are willing to explore uncharted territories .

  25. 可是科学本身也还没有到终点,越伟大的科学家面临的未知领域就越大。

    And the exploration of science has no end ; the greater scientists are facing the bigger unknown sphere .

  26. 或许网络将揭开历史中那些重要的未知领域的神秘面纱。

    The Internet , perhaps , will be the unweaver of the great , unexplored landscape of the past .

  27. 尽管如此,世上的未知领域、未解之谜和未完成的任务的范围之广,仍远远超出了我们所有人的理解能力。

    the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension .

  28. 尖锐的偏见,是对未知领域的开拓,是对深厚综合的进一步发展。

    While the aculeate partiality is the despoliation to the unknown field , the further evolution to the profound integration .

  29. 人类获取知识、探索未知领域的本能既崇高又危险。

    The human instinct to acquire knowledge , to venture into uncharted territory , is at once noble and dangerous .

  30. 然而,继承只是学生学习的一个方面,为了推动社会的发展与进步,学生还必须具有探索与发展人类未知领域的能力。

    However , inheritance is only one aspect of student learning , student must have the capacity of exploring undiscovered field .