
  1. 人工流产术安桃乐镇痛吸入量的观察

    Determination of Intake Dosage of Entonox at Induced Abortion

  2. 结论:在先天性白内障手术中运用后囊膜截开联合前段玻璃体切割术,安全易掌握,可有效预防后发障,主要用于0~5岁的患儿。

    Conclusions : The posterior capsulorhexis with anterior vitrectomy for congenital cataract is a safe , easy and efficient method to prevent PCO , especially for the patient younger than 5 years old .

  3. 甲状腺次全切除术与心得安联合治疗甲亢性心脏病四年观察&积极外科治疗的合理性

    Subtotal thyroidectomy and propranolol in the therapy for thyroid heart disease : four years ' clinical observation

  4. 套扎术联合心得安治疗门静脉高压性食管静脉破裂出血近远期疗效

    Short-and long-term effect of EVL combined with propranolol treatment for esophageal variceal bleeding caused by portal hypertension

  5. 1980年1月至1983年10月对甲亢性心脏病连续性19例患者应用甲状腺次全切除术与心得安联合治疗。本组性别女10人、男9人,年龄分布25至55岁。

    We employed subtotal thyroidectomy and propranolol for the therapy on 19 consecutive patients with thyroid heart disease from January 1980 to October 1983 . There were 9 male and 10 female patients , ranging from 25 to 55 years of age .