
  • 网络Zhukov;Georgy Zhukov;Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov
  1. 朱可夫是前苏联的一位元帅。

    Zhukov was a marshal of former Soviet union .

  2. 朱可夫(AlexanderZhukov)表示,俄罗斯奥委会的“权利已经完全恢复。这对我们是一个至关重要的决定”。

    Alexander Zhukov , head of the ROC , said the organisation " has had its rights fully restored . It is a decision of the utmost importance for us . "

  3. 在他眼里,比较少人知道的诺门坎战役对整个二战有着深远的影响。日军计划利用这场战役以满洲为据点夺取苏联的领土,但却在1939年夏天被苏联红军中最伟大、最无情的将军朱可夫(GeorgiZhukov)破坏了。

    Thus the relatively little-known Battle of Khalkhin-Gol , in which Japan 's plans to grab Soviet territory from its base in Manchuria were undone in the summer of 1939 by the Red Army 's greatest and most ruthless general , Georgi Zhukov , had profound consequences .

  4. 朱可夫产量性状较好,可作为用来培育具有特殊薯皮颜色类型的特色育种材料;

    Could be used to breed potato with special skin color .

  5. 朱可夫的这个决定使得苏军免于失败。

    It was Zhukov 's decision to counterattack that prevented the Soviet defeat .

  6. 朱可夫:我们今天欢庆伟大的节日。

    CHUIKOV : We have a great holiday today .

  7. 朱可夫元帅为伟大卫国战争胜利做出的贡献无人能及。

    Marshal Zhukov 's contribution to the Great Patriotic War is unparalleled to anyone .

  8. 朱可夫在观察到日本人在进攻苏军的桥头堡后,决定对日军的侧翼发动反击。

    Zhukov , seeing that the Japanese were attacking the bridgehead , decided to counterattack by flanking the enemy .

  9. 日本人期待这样的进攻可以使苏联人放弃他们的桥头堡又或直接将朱可夫的部队击溃。

    The Japanese hoped to either force the Soviets to abandon their bridgehead or to completely rout Zhukov 's forces .

  10. 俄罗斯奥委会主席朱可夫说,这一决定喜忧参半。

    President of the ROC , Alexander Zhukov , said there was positive and negative news from the IOC 's decision .

  11. 我们铭记格奥尔基-康斯坦丁诺维奇-朱可夫元帅。莫斯科战役、列宁格勒战役、斯大林格勒战役和柏林战役的指挥者。

    We remember Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov , commander for the Battle of Moscow , the Battle of Leningrad , the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Berlin .

  12. 史蒂夫?布西密饰演最终胜出的人——赫鲁晓夫,而詹森?艾萨克饰演二战的伟大英雄格奥尔基?朱可夫,杰弗里?塔伯饰演斯大林短暂的继任者马林科夫,安德丽亚?瑞斯波罗格饰演斯大林的女儿斯维特兰娜。

    Steve Buscemi plays the man who would ultimately win the game , Nikita Khrushchev , with Jason Isaacs as the great World War II hero Georgy Zhukov , Jeffrey Tambor as Stalin 's brief successor Malenkov , and Andrea Riseborough as Stalin 's daughter Svetlana .