
  1. 黑暗里的光明与光明里的黑暗(下)&诗人朱湘与顾城的比较

    The Light in the Darkness and the Darkness in the Light

  2. 论朱湘诗歌的外来借鉴与民族融合

    The External Reference and National Assimilation in Zhu Xiang 's Poetry

  3. 朱湘诗学的现代性

    On the Modernity of Zhu Xiang 's Poetics

  4. 朱湘悲剧与作品内涵的同一和背离

    The Identity and Deviation between Zhu Xiang 's Tragic Fate and the Connotation of His Works

  5. 十四行体汉语化发展态势论&从朱湘、冯至的十四行诗谈起

    Development Trend of Chinese Sonnets

  6. 人的困境与诗的救赎&试析朱湘的新诗创作

    Predicament of Life and Redemption of Poetry & An Analysis on Zhu Xiang 's Creation of New Poetry

  7. 第二部分重点分析朱湘的文化人格,加深对朱湘诗歌道路选择的理解。

    The second part analyzes Zhu Xiang 's cultural personalities , for further understanding his choice of poetry path .

  8. 朱湘主张“为人生”的文学,强调时代对于诗歌创作的影响。

    Zhu Xiang advocates the literature of " for life ", emphasizing the influence which time gives to poetry creation .

  9. 朱湘叙事长诗《王娇》直接由话本小说《王娇鸾百年长恨》产生而来。

    Zhu Xiang 's long narrative poem Wang Jiao directly originates from the colloquial novel The Hundred Years'Regret of Wang Jiaoruan .

  10. 作为诗人的朱湘和顾城,对中国新诗的发展作出过各自独特的贡献。

    As poets , Zhu Xiang and Gu Cheng made a unique contribution to the development of New Poetry of China .

  11. 对待中国传统诗词文化,朱湘是一个客观平和的诗人。

    As a poet , Zhu Xiang is objective and moderate to treat the Chinese traditional culture about poem and ci .

  12. 在中国现代诗歌发展过程中,朱湘是新月诗派中被称之为“大将兼先行”的诗人。

    In the development of Chinese modem poetry , Zhu Xiang is a very important poet of " xin yue " poetic group .

  13. 朱湘一生留下大量诗评、诗论,那么,它们是否构成一个完整的理论系统?

    The poet leave plenty of poetry review and poetics during his life , however , are those contents a completed theory system ?

  14. 诗人朱湘和顾城之死,在中国新诗史上震动较大,曾经是评论界关注的两个热点。

    The death of two poets , Zhu Xiang and Gu Cheng , caused a great vibration in the history of New Poetry in China .

  15. 朱湘被誉为诗人的诗人,就在于平静的诗对焦燥的人的悖逆与超越,这是朱湘的最大矛盾,也是朱湘的最大特色。

    Known as the " poet of poets ", Zhu Xiang distinguished himself with the characteristic of personal transcendence of the " restless person " through " tranquil poetry " .

  16. 论朱湘诗作中生死的二极律动现象人的困境与诗的救赎&试析朱湘的新诗创作

    On the duet of life and death in Zhu Xiang s poems ; Predicament of Life and Redemption of Poetry & An Analysis on Zhu Xiang 's Creation of New Poetry

  17. 同时,通过对朱湘诗歌古典意境的化用,静穆诗风的追求,写出这位纯粹诗人是如何凭借天真热情,执着的努力来构建自己的诗歌世界。

    Meanwhile , through movable using of Zhu xiang 's classical artistic conception of poems , pursuit of solemn and quiet poem style , write out the pure poet how about rely on innocent enthusiasm , persistent efforts come to structure one 's own poem world .