
  • 网络julia;Juilliard;Giulia
  1. 朱莉亚打扮得漂漂亮亮去参加宴会。

    Julia dolled herself up for the party .

  2. 对朱莉亚而言,万事万物都需回溯到她的性意识。

    With Julia , everything came back to her own sexuality .

  3. 朱莉亚坦称这款鞋的确非常“美式”,但她认为在英国也会有市场。目前朱莉亚在她的网站“HeelsForHer”上销售这款鞋。

    She admitted the shoes were very'American'but feels there is a market in this country and is selling them through her website'Heels for Her ' .

  4. 我想他同朱莉亚有那么一点风流韵事。

    I think he is having a little romance with Julia .

  5. 朱莉亚:我们正把它漆成亮一点的颜色。

    Julia : We 're painting it a lighter color .

  6. 我们还没死哩,朱莉亚干巴巴地答道。

    ' We 're not dead yet , ' said Julia prosaically .

  7. 我担心我的朱莉亚不会欣然接受我的书信。

    I fear my Julia will not deign my lines .

  8. 那是朱莉亚表现最佳的一部片子。

    Julia did her best to cat in that movie .

  9. 朱莉亚可以列在他的朋友的数目中吗?

    May Julia rank among the number of his friends ?

  10. 安穆立特:放轻松,妈,朱莉亚吃素。

    Amrit : relax mom , julia 's a vegetarian .

  11. 他跟朱莉亚提起这想法,不料她爽快地答应了下来。

    When he suggested it to Julia she had agreed with unexpected readiness .

  12. 朱莉亚,听着,你会得到你一直想要的东西。

    Julie , listen , you will have everything you have always wanted .

  13. 朱莉亚:你是一个女百万富翁!

    Abbess julia : you 're a millionairess !

  14. 此前,朱莉亚在伦敦的一个婴儿用品展览上展出了这款宝宝高跟鞋。

    Mrs Taylor has already exhibited the Heelarious collection at a London baby show .

  15. 另外有个人一拳打倒朱莉亚的太阳穴神经丛。

    One of the men had smashed his fist into Julia 's solar plexus .

  16. 朱莉亚是个不专心的学生。

    Julia is an inattentive pupil .

  17. 朱莉亚从不吃早饭。

    Julia never eats breakfast .

  18. 要么凯瑟琳会死掉,想个巧妙的花招,温斯顿跟朱莉亚就能结上婚。

    Or Katharine would die , and by subtle manoeuvrings Winston and Julia would succeed in getting married .

  19. 朱莉亚:有人告诉我说,市长夫人想开一家类似的时装店。

    Julia : somebody told me that the s wife had been thinking about opening a similar boutique .

  20. 朱莉亚姨妈接连向坐在旁边的人打听加布里埃尔刚才说了些什么,却没有问出个所以然来。

    Aunt Julia vainly asked each of her neighbours in turn to tell her what Gabriel had said .

  21. 母亲节是由朱莉亚?华德?豪于1872年率先提出,她建议将这一天献给和平。

    Mother 's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day for peace .

  22. 他没有动弹,朱莉亚正把头枕在他的臂弯里。

    He did not stir , because Julia was sleeping with her head in the crook of his arm .

  23. 美丽的朱莉亚同沾沾自喜的自负的眼光朝镜子里的自己盯上最后一眼,重又靠在椅子上。

    The fair Julia regarded herself with a last gaze of complacent vanity , and reclining again upon her seat .

  24. 公爵还透露,乔治和夏洛特在乘车途中还会听她朗读朱莉亚•唐纳森的书。

    The Duke revealed that George and Charlotte listen to her readings of the Julia Donaldson books on car journeys .

  25. 朱莉亚仿佛对这种交谈的方式挺习惯,她还有个名儿,叫“分期谈话”。

    Julia appeared to be quite used to this kind of conversation , which she called ' talking by instalments ' .

  26. 现在他坐在床边等着朱莉亚,心里又想起爱护部的地下室。

    As he sat waiting on the edge of the bed he thought again of the cellars of the Ministry of love .

  27. 据悉,朱莉亚起初得了一种代谢紊乱症,导致她的腿部皮肤无法曝露在阳光下。

    Julia , from California in USA , suffered from metabolic disorder , which caused her leg could not expose in the sun .

  28. 解下腰带,朱莉亚腰身柔软多啦。它的价格比柔软棉线贵得多。

    He noticed how much softer her waist seemed to feel now that the sash was gone . It is more expensive than soft cotton thread .

  29. 他便说给朱莉亚,十一年前一个同样酷热的下午发生的事情&或不如说,没能发生的事情。

    He began telling Julia of something that had happened , or rather had failed to happen , on another sweltering summer afternoon , eleven years ago .

  30. “到处都是呢,”朱莉亚又躺下来,满不在乎地说:“我们宿舍连厨房都有。

    ' They 're all over the place , 'said Julia indifferently as she lay down again . 'We 've even got them in the kitchen at the hostel .