首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 明代朱载堉在乐律学研究方面有着重要的贡献。

    Zhu Zaiyu in Ming Dynasty contributed to the research on theory of music temperament .

  2. 但其中的痴迷河图洛书,对祖冲之圆周率的错误批判,又反映出朱载堉作为古代学人的历史局限。

    However , that he obsessed the Hetu Luoshu and error criticized Zu Chongzhi 's circumference ratio reflected Zhu Zaiyu 's historical limitation as an ancient scholar .

  3. 朱载堉(1536-1611),明怀庆府河内县(今沁阳市)人,明太祖朱元璋九世孙。

    Zhu Zaiyu , born in1536 and died in1611 , people from Henei County , Huaiqing prefecture in Ming Dynasty ( now Qinyang City ), the ninth grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang , Hongwu Emperor .