
  • 网络Celtis sinensis;Colorful Days;new boy
  1. 朴树的受精作用及胚、胚乳的发育

    Fertilization and development of embryo and endosperm in Celtis sinensis pers

  2. 朴树种子和果实的生长发育

    Studies on the development of seed and fruit of Celtis sinensis

  3. 他们希望朴树走出自己的路,并收获成功。

    They hope Pu can succeed at forging his own path .

  4. 然而,41岁的朴树却做到了。

    Pu Shu , 41 , managed to , though .

  5. 尽管新专辑的反响平平,却丝毫没有影响朴树的人气。

    But the tepid critical response hasn 't dulled Pu 's popularity .

  6. 就是这股真实劲儿为朴树赢得了不少死忠粉。

    It is this sense of authenticity that earns Pu his die-hard fans .

  7. 朴树对音乐界的宣传方式也不满意。

    Pu isn 't content with the publicity side of music industry , either .

  8. 扫描电镜观察朴树胚的发育

    The embryo development of Celtis sinensis on SEM

  9. 现在的音乐行业,商业价值高于一切,而朴树特立独行。

    In a music industry where commercial value trumps all , he stands apart .

  10. 这不是俄国歌,这只是朴树写的一首俄风歌曲。

    It 's not a Russian song . It 's a Russian-style song written by Pushu .

  11. 南京老山国家森林公园朴树种群结构与分布格局研究

    Studies on population structure and distribution pattern of Celtis sinensis in Laoshan National Forest Park of Nanjing

  12. 朴树是一位脱俗的歌手,他厌恶宣传,厌恶交际,厌恶虚假。

    As a bit unworldly singer , Pushu hates commercial advertising , social activities , and false faces .

  13. 怀旧的歌词,独特的声线和酷炫的外形,让朴树一度成为民谣音乐的代言人。

    His nostalgic lyrics , distinct voice and cool appearance made him a spokesman for folk music at that time .

  14. 10月17日和10月24日,朴树分别在北京和上海举行了他的前两场全国巡演。

    He made the first two stops on his national tour on Oct 17 and Oct 24 , in Beijing and Shanghai respectively .

  15. 穿着T恤,抱着吉他,朴树全程都在唱歌,中途没有换装,也没有华丽的舞台布景。

    Wearing a T-shirt and holding a guitar , Pu sang throughout the entire show , without stopping to change clothes or stage designs .

  16. 此后,朴树的歌都未能重现他往日的辉煌。新专辑《好好地》的豆瓣评分仅为6.2分(10分满分)。

    Since then , however , Pu 's songs have failed to match his former glory . The new EP Be Good scored only 6.2 out of 10 on Douban .

  17. 结果表明,朴树种群存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅲ型,在其生命过程中存在2个死亡高峰,分别出现在Ⅱ,Ⅴ龄级的年龄阶段;

    The results showed that the population had two peaks of mortality at ⅱ,ⅴ age stage , and the survival curve of the population trended to the type ⅲ of Deevey .