
  1. 过去一年,它通过一家香港分支机构收购了一些上市公司的少量股份,其中包括英国石油(BP)、法国道达尔(Total)以及至少3家澳大利亚银行。

    In the past year , it has used a Hong Kong subsidiary to buy small stakes in publicly listed companies including BP , Total of France and at least three Australian banks .

  2. 那时,我工作的公司被一个更大的机构收购了,该机构使用、也期望我们使用LotusNotes和Domino。

    My employer at the time was purchased by a larger organization that used , and thus expected us to use , Lotus Notes and Domino .

  3. 很快,第二天便有报道称谷歌也有意出资私人投资机构收购雅虎。

    And as the day follows the dawn , reports followed quickly that Google ( GOOG ) is also interested in financing private investors looking to buy Yahoo .

  4. 这种投资类似于今年5月中国一家国有投资机构收购百仕通30亿美元股权的交易。

    These included possible investment in its share capital , akin to the one in May that resulted in a Chinese state investment agency taking a $ 3bn stake in Blackstone .

  5. 该两项建议均有待意大利央行通过。意大利银行业的发展较为零散。该行曾反对海外投资机构收购国内的大型银行。

    Both bids are subject to approval by Italy 's central bank , which has previously opposed take-overs by foreign institutions of the major players in that country 's fragmented banking industry .

  6. 但是,仅仅为了取悦监管者和愤怒的股东,它们就很可能必须购入零售存款,或自己被一家存款机构收购。

    But they will probably have to buy retail deposits , or themselves be acquired by a deposit-taking institution , if for no other reason than to please regulators and baying shareholders .

  7. 这是近年来第四桩私募机构高管收购NBA球队的案例。

    This is the fourth time in recent years that private equity executives have purchased an NBA team .

  8. GE公司超硬材料部是第一个合成人造金刚石的生产部门,也是世界上最主要的人造金刚石、立方氮化硼和聚晶金刚石制品的生产厂家,而今却被一家私人投资机构所收购。

    GE Superabrasives Division is the first company that synthesised man-made diamond , and also a leading manufacturer of diamond , cubic boron nitride , and polycrystalline products , but now it was purchased by a private investment organisation .

  9. 中国去年所达成的那些备受瞩目的对海外金融机构的收购,目前几乎每项都陷入严重亏损。

    Almost every high-profile Chinese purchase of an overseas financial institution made last year is now deeply in the red .

  10. 价格的急剧下滑原因之一是上周美国财政部决定取消从金融机构手中收购不良资产的计划。

    Some of the steep price declines can be traced to last week 's decision by the Treasury to scrap its plan to purchase troubled assets from financial institutions .

  11. 但在AT&T成功收购时代华纳之后,康卡斯特大胆地提出了每股650亿美元的全现金收购邀约,相信监管机构批准收购康卡斯特的交易将不会成为一个问题。

    But following AT & T 's successful acquisition of Time Warner , Comcast was emboldened to make a $ 65 billion all-cash bid of its own , confident that regulatory approval for a Comcast-Fox deal wouldn 't be an issue .

  12. 最近到访美国时,孙正义承诺,假如监管机构允许他收购T-MobileUS、将其与Sprint合并,他将在美国移动电话市场上发起一场大规模价格战。

    During a recent trip to the US he promised to launch a massive price war in the US mobile market if regulators allow him to acquire T-Mobile US and merge it with Sprint .

  13. 科劳珀斯拒绝评论该公司是否接近达到监管机构对这笔收购交易的要求。

    Mr Kloppers declined to comment on whether the company was close to meeting regulatory requirements for the proposal .

  14. 第三,相关政策法律的支持,尤其是对土地储备机构土地统一收购权的法律支持。

    Third , the support of related policies and laws , especially to give legal support to the land Reserving System to hold the right to purchase the land unified .

  15. 该公司利用富人和金融机构的资金收购其它企业,然后努力提升所收购企业的盈利能力后卖出,这通常可以获得巨大收益。

    It uses money from wealthy individuals and financial organizations to buy other businesses . It then works to increase their profitability before selling them , often at a huge profit .

  16. 很明显,由于收购控股股权容易遭遇反对,一些私人股本机构转而选择收购少数股权。这种做法更容易获得监管机构批准,并可以规避政治方面的敏感问题。

    Clearly , some private equity houses are making headway by taking minority as opposed to controlling stakes , making it easier to obtain regulatory approvals and sidestepping politically sensitive concerns .

  17. 在美国和欧洲,宽松的信贷市场促使收购活动日盛,私人股权投资机构正大规模收购上市公司,其涉足领域各式各样,甚至包括医院、音像公司。

    In the US and Europe , a boom in takeover activity fuelled by cheap debt has seenprivate-equity groups buy large listed companies in sectors as diverse as hospitals and music production .

  18. 投资研究所的一位高级研究员强调,呼吁成立专门机构对外资收购进行审查这是发表在官方媒体《中国证券报》上一篇权威报告的部分内容并不代表发改委的观点。

    A senior researcher at the research institute stressed that the call for a body to scrutinise foreign takeovers – part of an authoritative report printed in the official China Securities Journal – did not represent the views of the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ) .

  19. 根据美国财政部(treasury)拟议的新规定,美国监管机构针对敏感外资收购和投资所进行的国家安全调查将会耗费更长时间。

    National security investigations by US regulators into sensitive takeovers and investments will take longer to complete under new rules proposed by the Treasury .

  20. 监管机构加强对爬行收购的监管的愿望非常明显。

    Regulators ' desire to increase supervision of creeping takeovers is telling .

  21. 他曾为数十家跨国企业及国际金融机构在中国境内收购上市或非上市的企业提供过法律服务。

    He has advised dozens of multinational companies and financial institutions in acquiring both listed and unlisted Chinese companies .

  22. 尽管他们在近期,每个大型金融机构以贵重金属收购大量债务都带来了就系统的崩溃。

    Despite their recent , precious-metals acquisitions the true amount of debt carried by each large financial institution is to bring the old system down .

  23. 在12种私人股本投资机构中,大型收购公司位列末尾,认为今年投资大型收购公司具有吸引力的投资者不到五分之一。

    Large buy-outs ranked bottom of 12 types of private equity , with less than a fifth of investors considering them an attractive investment this year .

  24. 土地收购性质定位是明确政府或其委托的机构在行使土地收购过程中,其与被收购方所拥有的权利和义务。

    The nature orientation of land purchase is to define the right and obligation of the government or their organizations and the bargainers in the course of the land purchase .

  25. 外界不清楚到底有多少家中国机构加入了上述收购财团,也不知道各家中国机构和淡马锡分别购入多少建行股份。

    It was not clear how many Chinese institutions were involved in the syndicate , or how many CCB shares had been acquired by each of the institutions and by Temasek .

  26. 德国政府正在起草新的法案,对外国政府控制的投资机构所进行的收购进行严格审查。而据德国政府高层官员透露,这项法案可能变成美国同类机制的精简版。

    New legislation being drafted by the German government to scrutinise acquisitions by foreign state - controlled investors is shaping up to be a minimalist version of the equivalent US mechanism , according to senior German officials .

  27. 在中国,奥美计划收购另外4到5家机构,而在过去5年间,它已评估了上千家目标机构,并已收购了20家。

    In China it has a pipeline of four or five further agencies it plans to acquire , having evaluated 1,000 targets and bought 20 over the past five years .