
  1. 基于BP-Network的机械结合面法向动刚度模拟方法的研究

    Research on the modeling method of the normal dynamic stiffness of mechanical joints on BP network

  2. 机械结合面切向接触阻尼的神经网络结构化建模

    Modelling of Tangential Contact Damping in Machine Joints Using Neural Network

  3. 机械结合面阻尼参数识别的一种方法

    A Method of Identifying Damping Parameters of Machine Joint Surface

  4. 全息摄影在机械结合面特性研究中的应用

    The Application of Holography in the Study on the Characteristics of Mechanical Joints

  5. 机械结合面动态参数的研究

    Research on the Dynamic Parameters of Mechanical Joints

  6. 机械结合面静动态特性研究回顾及展望

    Review and Prospect of the Research on the Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Machine Joint Surfaces

  7. 基于接触分形理论的机械结合面法向接触刚度模型

    Fractal Model of the Normal Contact Stiffness of Machine Joint Surfaces Based on the Fractal Contact Theory

  8. 机电装备中机械结合面特性对整机性能影响很大。

    The interface characteristic of mechanical joints has the significant influence on the performance of mechanical system assembly .

  9. 研究表明,机械结合面往往是机械机构的薄弱环节,所以在机械结构动态特性研究中需要考虑结合面问题。

    Studies have shown that joint surfaces usually become the weak part of the mechanical structure . So the joint surfaces must be concerned in the research of the machinery dynamic characteristics .

  10. 主要研究工作包括:首先系统总结了当前有关机械结合面特性的研究工作,分析了国内外不同研究方法的特点,针对已有研究工作的不足,确定了本文研究的方向和目标。

    The main work of this paper is as follows : Firstly , this paper summaries the common research of interface characteristic of mechanical joints , elaborates the feature of research methods at home and abroad .

  11. 统计表明,整机刚度的40%~60%来源于结合面,因此,机电装备研发中机械结合面刚度特性建模十分重要。

    According to the statistics , about 40 % ~ 60 % of the whole stiffness of mechanical system assembly come from the joints . So the research of stiffness characteristic of mechanical joints is extremely important .

  12. 基于正交性条件识别机械结构结合面参数方法的改进

    Improvement on Identifying the Machanical Structural Joint Parameters with Orthogonality Relation

  13. 一种机械结构结合面动力学参数识别方法

    A method of identifying dynamical parameters of mechanical structural joints

  14. 基于传递函数的机械结构结合面参数模糊辨识方法

    Fuzzy Method To Identify Joint Parameters Based On Transfer Function

  15. 模态分析和有限元法结合识别机械结构结合面动力学参数的研究

    Identification the Dynamic Parameters of Structural Joint Via Experimental and Modal Analysis

  16. 复杂机械结构结合面动力学建模及其参数识别方法的研究

    Research on dynamic modelling and parameter identification of joint between complex mechanical structures

  17. 本文提出基于正交性条件识别机械结构结合面接触阻尼参数的方法。

    A new method for identifying the damping in the mechanical structural joint surface is developed which is based on the orthologonality .

  18. 本文在文献〔1〕所提出的基于正交性条件识别机械结构结合面阻尼参数方法的基础上,进一步提出采用正交条件式中虚部方程识别结合面动力学参数的方法。

    Based on the method of reference , an improved method has been developed which identifies the mechanical structural joint parameters using the imaginary part equations of the orthogonality relation equations .

  19. 利用机械通风结合粮面稻壳压盖控温技术,进行了偏高水分晚籼稻谷保水度夏试验。

    Mechanical ventilation combining with covering grain surface by rice husk were used to keep moisture of late indica rice of high moisture content and safely spend summer .