
  • 【辩证法】mechanical view of nature
  1. 机械自然观的思想基础及影响

    The Thought Foundation of The Mechanistic View of Nature and the Effect

  2. 但仍然没有超越机械自然观和主客二分的二元论哲学基础和功利主义、实证主义的思维方式。

    But it doesn t surmount the thinking mode of machinery natural view , dual philosophy foundation , utilitarianism , and positivism .

  3. 当代生态危机的出现,从认识根源上首先要归咎于机械自然观。

    The ecological crisis appear at the present , from idea origin , it result in the mechanistic view of nature at first .

  4. 自然之死并不仅仅是一个机械自然观的问题,更是人之死的问题。

    " The death of nature " is not a problem of mechanical view of nature , but a problem of " the death of man " .

  5. 疼国浪漫派革新了古典主义的机械自然观,打破了自然与自我二元对立的关系。

    Romantics have revolutionized the old , classic , mechanical view of nature , made a breakthrough in the binary opposition between man and nature , and built the renewed relationship .

  6. 后现代哲学自然观认为,当今的人与自然的矛盾应归咎于现代性,是机械自然观、人类中心主义造成的恶果。

    Natural-view of postmodern philosophy holds that contemporary contradiction between human being and nature should put blame on modernity , and it is the evil consequence caused by mechanical natural-view and anthropocentrism .

  7. 笛卡尔为这种机械自然观提供了哲学基础,牛顿力学的巨大成功又为这种自然观向科学和社会领域的扩散起到了示范效应。

    Descartes provide philosophy foundation for the mechanistic view of nature . The great success of Newton 's mechanics play an exemplary role to spread the view of nature to science and society field .

  8. 但自近现代以来,生物多样性遭受了巨大破坏,正以前所未有的速度丧失。西方古希腊自然目的论、基督教的神学目的论以及机械原子论自然观等,是造成这种丧失的根源。

    However , in the recent centuries biodiversity has suffered great damages and living species are disappearing at unprecedented speed , which is fundamentally caused by traditional Western ideas , such as the natural teleology of ancient Greece , divine teleology of Christianity and the mechanistic and atomistic natural philosophy .

  9. 第一章主要讲的是西方自然观的演进,主要论述了古代有机论的整体自然观、中世纪神学自然观和近代机械论的自然观的形成和内容,以及三种自然观是如何演进的。

    The first chapter is mainly about the evolution of Western view of nature : The ancient time organic overall conception of nature , Christianity theology conception of nature in the middle age , Metaphysics mechanism conception of nature in the modern times , and how these three concepts developed .