
  1. 浅谈如何提高机电井工程系统的效率

    How to Promote Efficiency of Electrical Well Project System

  2. 农用机电井损坏的预防

    Prevention of the damage of farm electric-mechanical wells

  3. 基于对河北省机电井系统的实地调查,建立了机电井系统供水量的随机边界生产函数模型。

    Based on the field survey of tubewells in Hebei Province , a stochastic water frontier production model of tubewells is established .

  4. 研究结果表明,所有制、治理机制和系统规模等是影响机电井系统技术效率的主要因素,非集体所有制的技术效率明显优于集体所有制。

    The research results show that the ownership , the management mechanisms and the scale are all statistically significant influence factors on tubewell technical efficiency , and the technical efficiency of non-collective ownership is higher than that of collective ownership .