
jī jiàng
  • aircraft landing;airland
机降 [jī jiàng]
  • (1) [aircraft landing]∶空降种类之一。空降部队及其装备、物资乘载飞机或直升机、滑翔机直接降落于地面

  • (2) [airland]∶把部队或物资空降到一个地区

机降[jī jiàng]
  1. 基于Gram-Schmidt过程的支持向量机降维方法

    Dimension Reduction Method of Support Vector Machine Based on Gram-Schmidt Process

  2. 利用GYP-1200惯性圆锥破碎机降低入磨粒度的研究

    Study on Reducing Mill Feed Size by GYP-1200 Inertia Cone Crusher

  3. 多绳摩擦式提升机降能提效途径探讨

    Approaching the way reducing energy and raising efficiency on multi-rope friction hoist

  4. 喷射机降尘减弹的新结构及特点

    New structure and characteristic of the shotcreting machine with reducing dust and rebound Health Bomb ICE-MINUS

  5. 机降场选择是超视距垂直登陆作战的关键工作之一。

    The choice of airborne landing point is one of the key works in over-the-horizon vertical landing action .