
  • 网络Sterilizing time
  1. UHT机流量测定与恒温杀菌时间的验证

    Determination of flow in UHT sterilizer and verification of constant-temperature sterilization time

  2. 杀菌时间为11s到21s之间时对产品的持油性的影响不大。

    The oil absorption cannot be influenced when the time was between 11s and 21s .

  3. 介绍大豆饮料生产中煮熟味的产生原因,探讨煮熟味与杀菌时间、饮料pH值及罐内层涂料等因素的关系及其控制。

    Reasons of cooked sapor produced in the production of soybean beverage were introduced in this paper . It was also discussed the relationships among cooked sapor , sterilized time , pH value and inner layer dope of tin how to control these factors .

  4. 杀菌时间对粽子a值较蒸煮和浸泡影响更大。

    Sterilization time shows impact a value greater than cooking and soaking .

  5. 电场强度、杀菌时间和含菌量的高低对杀菌效果有着显著的影响。

    Electric field intensity , sterilization time and content of germ have remarkable influence on sterilization efficiency .

  6. 功率的影响极为显著,温度次之,杀菌时间的影响较小。

    The effect of the power is quite distinct , and the temperature comes second , while the effect of sterilization time is small .

  7. 主要针对提高五香牛肉出口率的工艺参数进行改进,通过注射率、滚揉时间、煮制时间、杀菌时间4因素,在3水平上进行研究。

    To increase the rate of finished beef products and improve several technological parameters , experiments were conducted at differ-ent rate of injecting , rolling time , cooking time , and bactericide time , which was orthogonal experiment ( four factors at three levels ) .

  8. 杀菌恒温时间和温度要求。

    Retort process time and temp .

  9. 在棋盘格杀菌以及时间致死曲线的研究中,烟曲霉酸也表现出对青霉素、红霉素、四环素的协同抗细菌耐药活性。

    In checkerboard and time-kill studies , helvolic acid also exhibited synergistic effects with penicillin , erythromycin and tetracycline .

  10. 在后巴氏杀菌较长时间高温处理时,美拉德反应速率很快。

    The rate of Maillard reaction is increase at second pasteurization for the sake of high temperature and long-playing .

  11. 调速泵的重要性将在证明巴氏杀菌中时间温度的关系时证明。

    The significance of the timing pump will be explained later when illustrating the importance of time temperature relationships in pasteurization .

  12. 提出利用致死率曲线,对罐头食品不等温杀菌加热时间进行计算机精确计算的新方法。

    This paper presents a new method of using lethality curve to calculate the time required in non-isotherm steril-ization of canned food .

  13. 杀菌温度和时间为135℃,5-10S。

    Sterilizing temperature and time 135 ℃, 5-10S .

  14. 罐头食品杀菌温度和时间的研究

    Research of Temperature and Time in Tinned Food Disinfection

  15. 杀菌温度与时间对果奶饮料稳定性及保存期的影响研究

    Studied on the stability and retention period of juice-milk beverage influenced by different sterilizing temperature and time

  16. 通过试验研究了杀菌温度与杀菌时间对调配型果奶饮料稳定性及保存期的影响。

    Sterilization temperature and time influencing the stability and retention period of juice-milk beverage have been studied in this paper .

  17. 高压脉冲电场杀菌因其杀菌时间短、效率高、能耗少等特点在食品灭菌中发挥着越来越重要的作用,高压脉冲发生器是产生高压脉冲电场的主要仪器。

    Because of it 's characteristics , such as short time , high efficiency and little consumer , high pulsed electric fields ( HPEF ) become more and more useful in food pasteurization . A high pulse generator is a mostly apparatus to generate high pulsed electric fields .

  18. 研究紫外线在牛乳杀菌中,照射时间、照射距离、牛乳厚度以及温度四个因素与杀菌率之间的关系。

    Study on the relationship of the four factors : ultraviolet light raying time , raying distance , milk thickness , temperature and corresponding sterilization rate during the sterilization of milk with ultraviolet light Through orthonormal experiments , obtain the optimal combinated technology parameters of the four factors .

  19. 当杀菌温度超过70℃时,杀菌时间应控制在1h以内;

    The sterilization time should be controlled in 1 h when the sterilization temperature higher than 65 ℃ .

  20. 利用欧姆加热技术对牛奶进行杀菌处理,研究了杀菌温度、杀菌时间和欧姆加热电压对牛奶中菌落总数和大肠菌群残留率的影响。

    Milk sterilization with ohmic heating was studied in this paper .

  21. 与静置式杀菌机比较,本机具有缩短了杀菌时间、提高了罐头产品质量、节约了蒸汽和冷却水等优点。

    Comparing with stationary autoclaves , the rotary autoclave allows to reduce sterilization time , to improve quality of products , to save steam and water .

  22. 通过对这些指标进行分析比较得出微波杀菌的最佳工艺条件:杀菌温度65℃,杀菌时间45s,杀菌功率550w,样品处理量350g。

    The best technology is as that : the sterilization temperature of 65 ℃, the sterilization time of 45s , the sterilization power of 550w , the sterilization dosage of 350g .

  23. 方法用悬液定量杀菌法观察二氧化氯溶液的pH值、二氧化氯溶液浓度、杀菌时间、杀菌温度及有机物对杀菌效果的影响。

    Method The suspension quantitative germicidal test have used to study the chlorine dioxide , the germicidal efficacy .

  24. 实验结果表明,微波杀菌效果要明显优于低温长时杀菌,对肉质的损伤较小,杀菌时间短,并且在贮藏过程中微生物生长缓慢,货架期较长;

    The result indicates that MS is much better than LTS in sterilizing effect with less fleshy damnification , and during storage , microorganisms grow slowly and results in a longer shelflife .

  25. 当75℃时杀菌超过30min,黄酒风味有下降的趋势;80℃以上,黄酒风味随杀菌时间延长而变劣。

    The flavour of rice wine had a decreasing trend when sterilize for 30 min at 75 ℃, and became bad with the increase of sterilization time at over 85 ℃ .

  26. 对于微污染水,PDM作用时间对杀菌率的影响规律与特征黏度有关,特征黏度越大,达到最大杀菌率的时间越短,杀菌率也越大。

    For the micro-pollution water , the effect of reaction time of PDM on the bactericidal rates was related to the intrinsic viscosity . The higher intrinsic viscosity of PDM sample , the shorter time needed to reach the maximal bactericidal rate .

  27. 高压脉冲电场杀菌是一种全新的非热处理杀菌方法,它是利用高强度脉冲电场对食品中的微生物进行杀灭的一种技术,有杀菌时间短、效率高、能耗少等特点。

    High pulsed electric field is a newly-developed non-themal sterilization method , which utilize high pulsed electric field to sterilize bacterium , with the characteristic of short time , high effective and low energy consume .