
  1. 将该方法用于商品杀菌防腐剂中苯甲酸及水杨酸的同时测定,结果满意。

    This method has been successfully used to determine benzoic acid and salicylic acid in commercial preservative and bactericide simultaneously .

  2. 介绍了乙烯处理剂、植物生长调节剂、药膜剂、杀菌防腐剂、抗氧化剂、有害气体去除剂等果蔬保鲜剂应用技术及开发动向。

    The application techniques and development trends of fruit and vegetable antistaling agents such as ethylene control agents , plant growth regulators , medicated coating agents , sterilizing and antiseptic agents , antioxidants and harmful gas removers are described .

  3. 二氯乙二肟可用作工业杀菌剂、防腐剂、农用化学品等。

    Dichloroglyoxime is used as industrial antibacterial agents , antiseptics , agricultural chemicals and so on .

  4. 以瓜尔豆胶、卡拉胶、分子蒸馏单甘酯、乙醇、水、杀菌剂和防腐剂配制的涂膜保鲜剂,处理毛叶枣果实可延长其货架寿命。

    The results indicated that the compound coating agents are better than the single coating agents for the shelf life of ber .

  5. 一种无色晶状固体,用于香水、防腐剂中,用于保存生物标本,用作杀菌剂或防腐剂。

    A colorless crystalline solid used in perfume or preserving biological specimens or in embalming or medically as a fungicide or antiseptic .

  6. 三苯基锡(TPT)被广泛用于农作物杀菌剂、木材防腐剂、船舶防污漆等,是典型的环境内分泌干扰物质,然而其对两栖类的毒性影响鲜见报道。

    Triphenyltin ( TPT ) has been widely used as a biocide in agriculture and antifouling paints , proved to be an endocrine disruptor . However , toxicity of TPT on amphibians is poorly reported .

  7. 氯酚作为一类广谱杀菌剂、木材防腐剂以及农药被广泛使用,并由于它们的高毒性和持久性对表面水、土壤、沉积物以及地下水等环境介质造成了较为严重的污染。

    Chlorophenols ( CPs ) have been extensively used as broad-spectrum biocides , wood preservatives and pesticides . Due to their high toxicity and persistency , chlorophenols have widely contaminated surface water , soils , sediments , and even ground water by detected at varied concentrations .