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  • 网络Li Yunlong;Lee Hoon Leong
  1. 江西省社会科学院法学研究所的李云龙教授说,1979年通过的一条法律明确规定逼供是违法的。

    Professor Li Yunlong , of the Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences law faculty , said a law passed in1979 had made it clear that coercing confessions was illegal .

  2. 《亮剑》塑造了性格鲜明的李云龙形象,在社会上也引起了诸多争论,批评和赞誉的意见针锋相对,土匪说和英雄说交织错杂。

    It has portrayed the distinctive image of Li Yunlong in the novel of Bright Sword , and caused many arguments in the society , criticism and the praise , the bandit and the hero of the views .