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  • JIA;Jia Li
  1. 对不起,李佳,我将你的书弄脏了。

    I 'm sorry , Li jia . I dirtied your book .

  2. 该中心运行部副主任李佳称,2015年和2016年网络攻击均超过1700万次,“从中可以清楚地看出我们的安全形势仍很薄弱”。

    There were more than 17 million cyberattacks in both 2015 and 2016 , and " it can be clearly seen that our security situation is still weak , " said Li Jia , deputy director of the authority 's operations department .

  3. 学校同意负担李佳的学费、食宿和交通。Isthatafullridescholarship?

    A full ride covers everything from tuition to room and board .

  4. 谷歌AI中国中心将由李飞飞和李佳领导。李飞飞是斯坦福大学人工智能实验室的负责人,领导着谷歌云业务的人工智能部门;李佳是谷歌云业务的人工智能部门研发主管。

    The center will be led by Fei-Fei Li , who runs Stanford University 's Artificial Intelligence Lab and leads the artificial intelligence arm of Google 's Cloud business , and Jia Li , the head of research and development for the A.I. division of Google Cloud .

  5. 李佳喜欢中国诗歌、歌曲和书法,喜欢交中国朋友。

    Lia , who enjoys making friends with the Chinese , likes Chinese poetry , music and calligraphy .

  6. 与李佳一样,该校首批新课改的高一新生都可以选修学校开设的青春期性教育课。

    As the school has a new curriculum reform , new high school students like Li may take adolescence sex-education courses at their will .

  7. 小小的李佳心中产生了疑惑,于是就缠着父母问这问那,他们的答案,引起了她对中国的极大兴趣,对这个古老而又神秘的国家充满了向往、好奇。

    Thus , she pestered her parents with questions , and their answers aroused her immense interest in China , which was to her , an ancient country shrouded in mystery .