
  1. 论李涵秋社会言情小说的特点

    The Discussion about the Characteristics of Li Hanqiu 's Social Love Story

  2. 李涵秋小说研究

    A Study of Li Hanqiu 's Novel

  3. 李涵秋小说以其思想的深刻,在他所处的时代取得了巨大的成绩。

    Li Hanqiu-novel had obtained a huge result by their profound thought in that time which he life .

  4. 绪论部分简要地介绍了李涵秋小说的研究现状、研究价值和李涵秋对社会言情小说的贡献及本论文的研究方法。

    The introduction part briefly introduced research present situation , value and the contribution to the society and love story , and the research technique in this paper .

  5. 正文部分共分为七章:第一章是李涵秋与晚清民初的时代。

    The main text parts altogether divides into seven chapters : The first chapter is Li Hanqiu and the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China .

  6. 引言部分主要概述海内外对鸳鸯蝴蝶派以及李涵秋研究的现状,说明研究李涵秋及其小说的意义,简介本论文所运用的研究方法。

    The section of foreword mainly summarizes the present situation of study on Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies and Li Hanqiu within the four seas and overseas , explains the significance of studying Li Hanqiu and his novel , and briefly introduces the method of study .