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  1. 它比原来的iPad更好,李说。

    It 's better than the original iPad , Li said .

  2. 利平科特出版社(Lippincott)的编辑们对李说,她的书稿读起来像一连串轶事,不像小说,但是鼓励她重写。

    Editors at Lippincott told Lee that her manuscript read like a string of anecdotes , not a novel , but encouraged her to revise .

  3. 李说,这次经历让她“有点吓一跳。”

    Lee said the experience was " a little frightening . "

  4. 李说对于获奖她非常激动。

    Li said that she was very excited about winning .

  5. 苹果公司看上去对我们的项目很感兴趣,玛吉•李说。

    Apple looked interested in our project , said Li .

  6. 李说的话我一个字也不会承认

    I will categorically deny anything Lee has to say .

  7. 苹果仍然占据着目前的高端平板电脑市场,李说。

    Apple is still dominating the current high-end tablet market , said Li .

  8. “动机已经很明白了。”李说。

    The motives were plain enough , he said .

  9. 李说,他愿意冒这个风险。

    Li said he would take a chance .

  10. 李说其感到成绩不公平,一时冲动而为。

    Li said he just acted on impulse after feeling the grade was unfair .

  11. 但我永远不会再送她来这样的活动了,李说。

    But I will never send her to such activities again , Li said .

  12. 现在有207个移动电话模型对市场,李说。

    There are now207 TD-SCDMA mobile phone models on the market , Li said .

  13. 据李说,仅一个学期就有近三百名学生开了小差。

    In one term , according to Li , nearly three hundred students ran away .

  14. 22岁的李说:其实,这倒不是钱的问题。

    " It is not about the money , really ," the 22-year-old Li said .

  15. 李说,称毛为现代中国的缔造者也是错误的。

    Calling Mao the father of modern China was also wrong , Mr Li said .

  16. 罗伯特李说,他希望给予权威地描述他哥哥的生活。

    Robert Lee said he wanted to give an authoritative account of his brother 's life .

  17. 我觉得这个行业将渐渐得到更多人的认可,李说。

    I think this profession will be gradually recognized by more and more people , Li says .

  18. 李说,并补充道这个条约将会阻止不法商人将新加坡作为犯罪的基地。

    Lee said , adding the treaty would inhibit corrupt businessmen from using Singapore as a base .

  19. “那么,我们专注于建筑交通和利润将遵循”,李说。

    " So , we concentrate on building the traffic , and profit will follow ," Lee said .

  20. 李说,一些朋友甚至让他到其他学校去接他们的女朋友。

    Li said that some of his friends would ask him to pick up their girlfriend from another campus .

  21. 克里斯.李说,总统无视民众希望政府减少债务、制定更为负责的预算的要求。

    Lee says the president is ignoring the people 's wishes for less government debt and more responsible budgets .

  22. 李说:我很怀疑在农村的工作经历是否对在城市找工作有所帮助。

    " I wonder whether the rural experience is really conducive to job-hunting in an urban area ," said Li .

  23. “我对婚姻和家庭生活真是感到郁闷”,三年前才结婚的李说。

    " I am so depressed with marriage and family life ," says Li , who got married three years ago .

  24. 当我们问学生英语语法的学习时,李说,“我从不学语法,太枯燥了。”

    When we asked about studying grammar , she said ," I never study grammar . It 's too boring . "

  25. 马的两个儿子也是猛烈的抨击母亲的这段关系,李说他们都被邻居们嘲笑。

    Ma 's two sons also lashed out at their mother 's relationship , while Li says neighbours laughed at the pair .

  26. 李说,记者职业排名靠后已经有一段时间了(去年在200个职业中排名第196位)。

    ' It 's been low for a while , says Lee ( last year it was ranked 196 out of 200 ) .

  27. 李说,朝鲜将是此次和布什总统在马里兰州度假地戴维营度谈话的一个重要议题。

    Lee says North Korea will be a key topic in his talks with President Bush at the Camp David retreat in Maryland .

  28. 李说更加紧密的关系将带来大量的中国投资以及为中东欧商品打开巨大的中国市场。

    Li said that closer ties would bring massive Chinese investments and open up large Chinese markets for central and eastern European goods .

  29. 胰岛素可以提升细胞生长。胰岛素似乎可以促进肿瘤的生长。李说。

    Insulin is known to promote cell growth . " Insulin seems to have a growth promoting effect in cancer ," Li said .

  30. 最大的问题是,政府善于建造硬件,而不擅长经营软件,李说。

    The biggest problem is that the government is great at taking care of the hardware but not the software , Mr. Li said .