
  • 网络Material;material cost
  1. 由于市政工程成本涉及到很多方面,包括人工费、机械费、材料费等,故引入ABC分类法对工程成本组成要素进行分类排列,分清重点和一般,从而有区别地确定控制的重点对象。

    The construction project cost involves many elements , include labor costs , machinery costs and material cost , etc. , so firstly ABC classification method is adopted to analysis main elements of the construction cost and distinguish priorities and general objects .

  2. 分析材料费、人工费、机械费等在土建工程各分部占有的造价绝对值。

    The absolute value of material cost , labor fees , machineries equipment fees in every branch of civil engineering had been analyzed .

  3. 针对Z公司成本管理中建筑材料费浪费严重的问题,本文提出了目标成本管理的方法进行解决。

    Z company for cost management company in charge of construction materials and waste remain serious problems , this paper , the goal of cost management methods to solve .

  4. 造船材料费跟踪系统的建立体现了现代物料管理与ERP系统的成功运用,对于其他造船企业控制材料费方面提供了新的思路。

    The materials cost F / U information management system is the embodiment of the succeed application with modern materials management and ERP system management , which is beneficial for shipbuilding enterprises ' materials cost control development .

  5. 新版iPhone的材料费低于预期,其价位有利于推动向上销售,而且相比去年的版本,更大尺寸屏幕的确能让苹果公司(Apple)降低生产成本。因此,新版iPhone会提高iPhone的平均售价,并会因此额外产生数十亿美元的收入。

    With a bill of materials that 's lower than expected , price tiers that strongly encourage up-selling and a larger screen that actually costs Apple less to manufacturer than last year 's model , the new line of iPhones should sweeten the iPhone average selling price and generate an extra couple billion dollars in revenue .

  6. 论文重点探讨了NACKS公司的材料费跟踪管理机制,深入地研究了材料费跟踪系统的开发分析和详细设计。

    The paper focused on the materials cost F / U management system , gave out exploitation analysis and detailed design thought of cost F / U management system .

  7. 这些成本通常包括薪金、学费、材料费、差旅费和咨询费等,这些成本数据通过传统的财务会计就可以获得。

    We can also acquire these data from traditional financial accounting .

  8. 此价格中包含人工费和材料费。

    The price will include the labour and materials .

  9. 属于下列情况适当收取材料费。

    A.reasonable material charges may be placed if .

  10. 请交此表格及六元材料费与本班导师。

    Please return this form and material fee $ 6 to your Sunday school teacher .

  11. 每吨组合聚醚可节约材料费788元。

    The materials cost can be saved by 788 yuan for 1 ton composited polyethers .

  12. 现在所涉及的费用,制造一双鞋,包括材料费,即。

    Now the costs involved in manufacturing a pair of shoes include the cost of materials , ie.

  13. 在直接成本里面,又将支出划分为材料费、合同分包费、临时工作费和机械费。

    Within direct costs , expenses are divided into material , subcontract , temporary work and machinery costs .

  14. 对药品费、卫生材料费、手术费、检查费等的控制方面需进一步加强。

    To strengthen the control of drug expenses , health materials expenses , surgical operations , examinations . 3 .

  15. 高等医学院校实验材料费管理模式探讨高校实验室中纳米颗粒材料的安全管理

    Exploration on the management mode of experimental material expenses in medical college Safety Management of Nanoparticle Materials in University Labs

  16. 材料费按双方确定金额,乙方每月20日前向甲方支付相关费用。

    According to both parties'confirmation , Party B should pay for the material fee to Party A before the20th per month .

  17. 并且,在实验材料费计算方法上也提出以课程为基础规范归属、以损耗为核心量化标准、以技术为支持实现算法的技术路线,解决管理模式的信息孤岛问题。

    And Method of calculation in the experimental material of technical route is that based on course , quantify dissipation , support technology .

  18. 实验材料费管理的探讨高等学校学生欠费问题研究

    Probe into the Management about the Material Costs for the Experiments On Ways out for Students ' Overdue Tuition and Fees in Universities

  19. 使整个系统的综合效率、性能价格比更高,体积更小,还减少了每两、三年更换热媒介质的材料费。

    In addition , also realized are higher comprehensive efficiency and performance-price ratio , smaller size , and less expanses for heat medium replacement .

  20. 经济费用指标指的是直接经济费用,包括:人工费、材料费、机械台班费。

    Economic cost index refers to the direct economic costs , including : artificial cost , material cost , cost of mechanical stage class .

  21. 我了解你的顾虑,但是我还要负担你的材料费和工人的薪资。

    Mel : I can understand that , but in the meantime I have to cover the cost of materials and payroll for your job .

  22. 我了解加工费用,材料费,运输成本,或者那些事物的任何花费吗?

    Do I know the cost of manufacturing the cost of materials , the cost of shipping or the cost of any of those things ?

  23. 但这不是因为变化莫测的市场,而是因为包装材料费和运费要加到售价里来(大多数时候)不是个轻松活。

    Stuff needs to be calculated and since shipping is included in the price ( most of the times ), it 's not that easy task .

  24. 结论:抑制个人自付比例和医保费用增长的重点是抑制材料费的增长。

    Conclusion The pivot in restraint of individual self-paid ratio and medical insurance fee increase in hospitalization is to repress the increase of average material fee .

  25. 10年以后,沥青路面实施养护工程所产生的旧沥青混合料将达到近亿立米,届时通过再生利用每年可节约材料费400亿元。

    After ten years , the old asphalt mixture annually by recycling will reach about a hundred million cubic meters ; 40 billions yuan can be saved .

  26. 物价水平只对间接费中部分成本存在显著影响,对这些费用的控制同样要借鉴对材料费控制的经验,使得这些费用的形成不随物价上涨而上涨。

    Price level is only significant impact on part of the indirect costs , we should make the formation of these costs do not rise with the price increases .

  27. 手术费用不包括:假体材料费,全麻醉费,化验费,药费,病房费,输液费,挂号费,换药费以及其它额外费用。

    Surgery fees do not include : portion implant fee , consulting anethesia fee , laboratory fee , medicine fee , hospital fee for overnight stay and other extraordinary fees .

  28. 如果贵公司坚持,我们将使用木箱包装,但这种包装费用较高,包装材料费应由贵公司承担。

    If you insist , we can pack the goods in wooden cases which are more expensive . Therefore , you will have to pay for the packing materials then .

  29. 国家在财力允许的范围内,尽可能地给予支持,将补助部分建房材料费。它的冲力会弥补我控球能力的不足。

    Within its financial capacity , the government will try its best to render support and provide subsidies for partial building materials . But the extra momentum compensates for that .

  30. 总体来说,机械费用和其他直接费用形成的影响因素较材料费和人工费用更多,相对来说是工程项目控制的难点。

    Overall , machinery costs and other direct costs have factors more than that of materials and labor costs , relatively speaking , they are the difficulty of the engineering projects .