
sháo lán
  • Cypripedium
  1. 四川黄龙杓兰属植物资源及繁育系统研究

    Study on Plant Resources and Breeding System of Cypripedium in Sichuan

  2. 开花对两种杓兰光合作用和同化产物分配的影响

    Effects of Flowering on Photosynthesis and Allocation of Assimilation Product in Two Cypripedium ( Orchidaceae ) Species

  3. 但是紫点杓兰的光合作用在开花阶段几乎没有变化。

    However , flowering almost did not affect the photosynthetic capacity of C.guttatum .

  4. 黄花杓兰种子无菌萌发的培养条件研究

    Seed Germination Requirements of Cypripedium flavum in Axenic Culture

  5. 大花杓兰生物学特性与组织培养研究

    Moccasin flower Study on Biological Characteristics of Cypripedium Macranthum SW . and Its Tissue Culture Technique

  6. 大花杓兰对大鼠尿量及尿中离子浓度的影响

    The Effect of Cypripedium macranthum on Rat 's Urine Amount and the Ion Concentration in the Urine

  7. 黄花杓兰根内的小型菌核黄花杓兰与菌根真菌共生关系研究

    Bulbils Exist in Root of Cypripedium flavum Notes on Symbiotic Relationship between Cypripedium flavum and Its Mycorrhizal Fungi

  8. 杓兰的叶片性状是对水肥条件较好,但季节波动较大生境的适应。

    The leaf traits of Cypripedium were the adaptation to the environment rich in water and nutrients but easy to change with seasons .

  9. 用化学方法提取的大花杓兰水提醇液作用于大鼠,发现大花杓兰具有利尿作用。

    Through chemical method the alcoholic extract of cypripedium macranthum was obtained and was made to act on rat , it was discovered that the cypripedium macranthum has diuretic function .