
  • 网络Go Lala Go;A Story of Lala's Promotion
  1. 其中包括另外一部电影的续集,《杜拉拉升职记》,该片改变自一部受欢迎的中文小说。

    Among them is a sequel of another feature , Go Lala Go ! , which is adapted from a popular Chinese novel .

  2. 电影《杜拉拉升职记》首映后,吸引了成千上万的观众到电影院去观看这部讲述成功职业女性的影片。

    After the movie Go Lala Go was released , it attracted tens of thousands of audiences to the theatre to watch the story of the successful career woman .

  3. 《杜拉拉升职记》可以说是目前国内最火的一部职业向导影片。

    DU Lala is the hottest career coach in the country .

  4. 《杜拉拉升职记》到底说的是什么呢?如果你想知道,关注今天的广角,我们将给大家讲讲杜拉拉的故事。

    Just listen to our second part Wild Angle , and we will tell you the story about DU Lala .

  5. 要想了解中国妇女的角色变化,你可以参考一下畅销小说《杜拉拉升职记》。

    To understand the changing role of women in China , consider the runaway success of a novel titled Du Lala 's Rise .

  6. 这篇博文的内容非常简单:那天是她的生日,请大家都去看《杜拉拉升职记》;

    What it says is very simple : it was her birthday and everybody please go to see ' Go Lala Go ! '

  7. 下周末,由该书改编而成的同名电影《杜拉拉升职记》将在各大影院上映。电影本身使人们对故事的兴趣激增。

    a movie adaptation of the novel set to hit cinemas next weekend , has stirred up even more interest in the story .

  8. 同名畅销小说《杜拉拉升职记》讲述了主人公在跨国公司采取积极行动得到晋升的故事。

    The fictional character in the acclaimed novel Du La La 's Promotion shows others how to take the high road to success in a multinational company .

  9. 李莎莎(音译)是《职来职往》节目中的一名求职者,她梦想着像《杜拉拉升职记》里的女主角一样在行政部门工作!

    Li Shasha , a candidate in Jobs Come Jobs Go , dreamed of working in administration , like the heroine in the TV drama Go Lala Go !

  10. 《杜拉拉升职记》的票房收入超过了一亿元,按中国的标准衡量很可观。这也使徐静蕾成了中国商业上最成功的女导演。

    The movie went on to become a blockbuster , by Chinese standards , taking in more than 100 million yuan at the box office , and making Ms. Xu the most commercially successful female director in China .