
  • 网络leverage trading;Leveraged transaction;leverage or margin trading
  1. 由于股指期货采用的是杠杆交易,几十倍的保证金交易在放大收益的同时也放大了风险。

    Since stock index futures are leveraged transactions , they enlarge the returns by several times and at the same time amplified the risks .

  2. 危机的根源是金融机构采用杠杆交易和背后的巨额的信用违约。

    Root of the crisis is that the financial institutions adopt a " lever " trading and the credit default .

  3. 过去几年杠杆交易大量涌现的情景在相当长的时间内不会重现。

    The large leveraged new deals of the past few years are not going to come back for some considerable time .

  4. 但他声称他只用过净资产的很小地部分做过公开杠杆交易。

    But he himself claims that he puts only a minuscule amount of his net worth on the table for trading activity using leverage .

  5. 它是杠杆交易贷款和债券产品的最大持有者,且大多数是在信贷泡沫时期达成的协议。

    It is a big holder of " hung " leveraged loans and bonds , mostly related to buy-outs agreed on in the credit bubble .

  6. 股指期货市场存在价格波动大、保证金杠杆交易等特点,随着股指期货市场的深入发展,如何对股指期货风险进行正确的识别及管理已成为一个重要的问题。

    With the in-depth development of the stock index futures market , the correct understanding and risk management of stock index futures has become an important issue .

  7. 证券衍生工具的复杂性和杠杆交易性,使得其收益和风险均可能远远大于传统金融工具。

    Because of its sophistication and the attributes of leveraged trades , both the profit and risk may be far above that of the traditional financial instruments .

  8. 例如,私人股本公司过去几年筹集了巨额资金,无论条件好坏,它们都需要在2007年晚些时候和2008年将这些资金投资于杠杆交易。

    Private equity firms , for example , have raised massive funds over the past few years that they will need to invest in leveraged deals later in 2007 and in 2008 , no matter what the conditions .

  9. 可是,股指期货也是一把双刃剑:股指期货的买空卖空机制,在一定程度上可以挤压泡沫,同时股指期货实行杠杆交易,在一定程度上也放大了市场风险。

    However , Stock Index Futures is also a two-edged sword : To some extent , fictitious mechanism of Stock Index Futures squeezes the bubble , however , to a certain extent , Stock Index Futures ' leverage transactions enlarge the market risk .

  10. 由于股指期货属于杠杆交易,直接做多或做空股指期货不但需要精准的判断力和敏锐的市场嗅觉,同时也要承担较大的风险,对于投资者而言获利难度较大。

    The Stock index futures are leveraged , directly to do a long or short stock index futures not only requires accurate judgment and a keen nose for the market , but also to assume greater risks , so it is more difficult for investors to make profit .

  11. 去年,市场信息服务S&PLCD公司称,价值超过10亿美元的杠杆收购交易的平均股权比例为39.28%。

    Last year , S & P LCD reported that the average equity portion of a $ 1 billion + leveraged buyout was 39.28 % .

  12. ClearChannel退市交易的价值将超过175亿美元。这将是传媒业迄今规模最大的杠杆收购交易,也是大型家族企业放弃上市公司身份的最新实例。

    A deal to take Clear Channel private would be worth more than $ 17.5bn , making it the biggest leveraged buy-out in the media industry and the latest example of large family-run businesses abandoning the public markets .

  13. 汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据显示,今年上半年各大银行共承销了近440亿美元的杠杆贷款交易,高于2011年上半年的170亿美元和2010年上半年的110亿美元。

    Banks underwrote nearly $ 44 billion of the leveraged loan deals in the first half of the year , according to Thomson Reuters .

  14. 最近几年并购和杠杆收购交易的蓬勃发展,推动了高收益率债券市场的发展。

    The boom of recent years in mergers , acquisitions and leveraged buy-outs has been driving this growth in high-yield debt markets .

  15. 诚然,给许多杠杆收购交易带来丰厚利润的大量债务暂时消失了,许多股权也将归零。

    True , the copious debt that made many leveraged buy-outs so lucrative is gone for now and many equity holdings will go to zero .

  16. 然而,持续的全球杠杆化交易最有可能保持日元坚挺,其次在外汇市场中,规避风险仍是保持日元坚挺的一个主要因素。

    However , continued global deleveraging is most certainly going to keep the Yen stubbornly strong , risk aversion remains a major factor in the FX markets .

  17. 这是历史上规模最大的杠杆收购交易,突显出私人资本正开始主导全球经济的众多领域。

    The deal is the largest leveraged buy-out on record , highlighting the extent to which private pools of money are coming to dominate vast swathes of the global economy .

  18. 银行应有权设计自身的交易策略并在其认为合适的时点进行交易,但应禁止他们利用超过规定比率的杠杆建立交易头寸。

    Banks should be permitted to devise their own strategies and use trading as they see fit , but they should be restricted from taking positions that use leverage of more than X-to-1 .

  19. 但以金融衍生品为代表的金融创新由于越来越脱离实体经济的约束,加上高杠杆的交易模式,使其破坏力远远超过以往的金融危机。

    But the financial derivatives represented by the financial innovation as more constraints from the real economy , coupled with highly leveraged trading patterns , making it far more destructive than the previous financial crisis .

  20. 欧美股市和债市面临迄今最明显的迹象,即市场可能出现信贷紧缩。昨日,目前规模最大的杠杆收购交易中的两宗遭遇重大融资难题。

    Equity and debt markets in the US and Europe faced the clearest signs yet of a possible credit crunch when it emerged yesterday that financing for two of the biggest current leveraged buy-outs had struck significant difficulties .

  21. 华尔街各投资银行和私人股本集团正准备就多宗大型杠杆收购交易的命运进行一轮激烈谈判。由于这些交易是在信贷危机之前签署的,因此各投行仍需提供融资。

    Wall Street investment banks and private equity groups are bracing for a bruising round of talks over the fate of the large leveraged buy-out deals that were signed before the credit crisis and still need to be financed .

  22. 过去数年,杠杆收购交易获得了巨大成功,它们通常能够带来巨额利润,令私人股本业高管和投资者获得数十亿美元的回报。而现在,私人股本集团能成功度过这段低迷时期吗?

    After the immense success of the past few years , when leveraged deals often generated huge gains , returning billions of dollars to private equity executives and their investors , will private equity groups successfully weather a downturn ?

  23. 杠杆式外汇交易合约

    Leveraged foreign exchange contract

  24. 但同时,期权具有的财务杠杆高、交易成本低、交割便利、流动性强的特点,也频频被应用于投机牟利。

    At the same time , the option is always used to speculate because of it 's characteristic of high financial lever , low bargaining cost , the convenience of complete a business transaction and high fluidity .

  25. 由于金融衍生产品既可以用于规避风险,又具有杠杆操作及交易成本低的特点,各国企业对其的运用在过去20年迅速增长。

    Because the derive tools can be used in not only hedging risks but also using level to operation and with a lower cost of trading , enterprises in different countries used them increasingly in past twenty years .

  26. 分离交易可转换债券结合了可转换债券和股票融资的优点,将得到越来越多的上市公司青睐,同时由于其认股权证交易的杠杆作用和交易制度规定,也会得到更多投资者的认可。

    The Bonds with Warrants combine both the advantages of convertible bond and stock , it will be more and more popular in our capital market , because of its leverage and regulations , the Bonds with Warrants will be welcomed by more and more investors .

  27. 值得注意的是,所有的账户都是在杠杆效应下进行交易的。

    It is important to note that all accounts trade under the effect of Leverage .

  28. 多数大型收购公司都进行过定价过高、杠杆率过高的交易,如今相关资产的价值都已缩水。

    Most major buy-out houses have carried out over-priced , over-leveraged deals that are underwater .

  29. 对中国而言,私人股本投资,特别是金额超过数亿美元或是涉及杠杆融资的大型交易,总体上仍属于新鲜事物。

    Private equity investments in general , especially large deals exceeding several hundred millions of dollars or incorporating leveraged finance , are still new to China .

  30. 但由于股指期货具有流动性高、杠杆比例大的交易特点,经常被少数投机者和风险爱好者利用为投机的工具,导致了许多损失惨重的金融事件的出现,如巴林银行的倒闭。

    Because Stock index futures has these deal characters of high fluidity and big leverage , which is always be used as speculate tool by minority speculator and risk fancier .