
  • 网络conditioning;conditional processing;Condition Handler;condition handling
  1. 比方说,您可能调整HTML以支持条件处理的表单,但是这样做就难以生成定制的表示。

    For example , you might tweak HTML to support a form of conditional processing , but in so doing make it difficult to generate a customized presentation .

  2. 条件处理:通过DITA,您可以根据产品、对象或者其他特性标记主题的一部分。

    Conditional processing : With DITA , you can tag parts of a topic by product , audience , or other characteristics .

  3. 预条件处理CG法大规模电力系统潮流计算

    The Preconditioned CG Method for Large Scale Power Flow Solution

  4. 具体研究了预条件处理的结构,STAP预条件子的构造以及预条件方法与经典降维降秩STAP方法的结合。

    The research involves the structure of the preconditioned process , the construction of STAP preconditioners and the combination of preconditioned method with traditional STAP methods .

  5. 之后,本文采用数值模拟软件Dynaform建立了轮包的有限元模型,对有限元建模过程中模型的网格划分原则、本构关系选择、工艺条件处理等进行了详细的论述。

    The hubcap 's finite element model is established by Dynaform software , the partition principle of finite element girding , the selection of constitutive relation and the disposal of technical condition are discussed in detail .

  6. 通过对含有不同组分和不同还原条件处理的催化剂活性的比较,认为目的反应主要发生在Pd与SiW12相互接触的部位,催化剂中的Pd0是活性Pd物种的主要形态。

    By comparing the activity of catalysts containing various components with different chemical states , it was proposed that the reaction mainly takes place on the sites where Pd and SiW 12 contact each other and Pd 0 is the main state of active Pd species .

  7. 硫化铜精矿经温和条件处理可提高铜的浸出率。温和条件为:加热温度140℃,加热时间30h,硫酸和催化氧化剂对矿样的质量比分别为1.1∶1和1∶200;

    Leaching rate of copper can be increased after copper sulfide concentrate being treated at gentle conditions that mass ratio of sulfuric acid and cat oxidant to ore is 1.1 ∶ 1 and 1 ∶ 200 , respectively , heating time is 30 h at 140 ℃ .

  8. 模拟常用的工业开工条件处理CB-8铂铼重整催化剂,考察了温度、气相中氧含量、水含量及烃蒸气等因素对催化剂金属功能的影响规律。

    Effects of temperature , oxygen and water vapor and hydrocarbon vapour contents in gas phase on the catalytic function of metal in reforming catalyst were investigated by treating Pt-Re catalyst CB-8 under conditions similar to those used in the start-up of commercial reforming units .

  9. 对5&HMF不合格产品按上述条件处理,过滤后滤液分装于输液瓶中,按规定灭菌处理后,在284nm处测定的吸收度符合药典规定(A(284nm)<0.32)。

    For the products which are below the standard , after treating in the condition given previously then pouring the filtrate into the bottle and sterilizing . The absorbances are determined in 284 nm , they are conformable to the pharmacopoeia ( A_ ( 284nm ) < 0.32 ) .

  10. 煤自燃过程数值模拟的边界条件处理

    Boundary conditions treament in numerical simulation of coal spontaneous combustion process

  11. 在约束条件处理中引入可能解空间概念;

    Introduce a concept of possible solution domain in restriction condition treatment ;

  12. 机构设计的遗传算法约束条件处理

    A Constraint Handling in Mechanism Design Based on Genetic Algorithms

  13. 板坯连铸过程二冷边界条件处理方法的对比

    Comparison of Boundary Conditions Processing Methods of Slab Continuous Casting Secondary Cooling

  14. 辐射传热数值计算的一种新的边界条件处理方法

    A New Treatment of Boundary Condition on the Numerical Calculation of Radiation Heat Transmission

  15. 简单脉冲转换器在配机计算时边界条件处理方法的探讨

    A New Approach to Treat the Boundary Conditions of Simple Pulse Converter in Matching Calculation

  16. 大洋环流模式的温盐表面边界条件处理及其影响研究评述

    A Review of the Surface Boundary Conditions for Temperature and Salinity of Oceanic General Circulation Models

  17. 对于翼型后缘等物面边界以及远场边界,提出了适合点云结构的边界条件处理方法。

    Appropriate techniques are proposed for clouds of points to deal with the far field and wall boundary conditions .

  18. 它提供了一种支持条件处理、自动化链接和链接检查的方法,还有一个强大的复用模型。

    It offers ways to support conditional processing , automatic linking and link checking , and a powerful reuse model .

  19. 在同等水解条件处理下,照射组肌腱胶原蛋白水解液中羟脯氨酸含量显著高于非照射组。

    The content of hydroxyproline in collagen hydrolysate of irradiation group is significantly greater than that of non-irradiation group under the same hydrolysis condition .

  20. 本文以二维管截面电磁场场域为例,剖析场域剖分以及边界条件处理过程中的若干技巧。

    With the example of two-dimentional electromagnetic field of pipe section , some skills in the processing of field subdividing and boundary condition disposing is analysed .

  21. 热板温度场有限元分析。建立了热板问题有限元分析模型,包括几何建模、模型简化、载荷与边界条件处理等。

    Heating-plate temperature analysis uses finite element method . A heating-plate FEM analysis model is been set up , including geometric modeling , model simplification , load and boundary conditions .

  22. 20℃下生长的春小麦幼苗,其质膜Ca2+-ATPase活性水平高于同样条件处理下的冬小麦幼苗的酶活性水平。

    For spring wheat seedlings grown under 20 ℃, the level of Ca 2 + ATPase activity in plasmolemma was similar with that of winter wheat seedlings in the same treatment .

  23. 模拟中采用接触单元法处理铸件与砂芯之间力的作用,改进了传统的铸件/铸型边界条件处理方法。

    The interaction between the casting and core was disposed by using the contact element method in numerical simulation , which improved traditional method for disposing casting / model boundary conditions .

  24. 本文采用样条有限条法计算圆柱壳问题,在边界条件处理上,比半解析有限条法更为灵活,只要对围绕边界点的几个局部样条进行修改,就可以适应任意规定的边界条件。

    Spline finite strip method for static analysis of cylinder shells has been developed in this paper . In handling the boundary condition , it is more agile than finite strip method .

  25. 对该酶的耐热性研究表明,在较高温度条件处理后,仍有较高残余酶活性,与当今商品化的植酸酶相比,有较强的耐热性。

    Heat resistance study showed that after treated with fairly high temperature , it still had residual enzymatic activity suggested that it had fairly high heat resistance as compared with present commercialized phytase .

  26. 主要研究结果如下:不同光周期和温度条件处理眼斑芫菁的成虫和卵,观察卵滞育及解除的条件。

    The main results as follows : Diapause incidence of offspring in M. cichorii was evaluated by exposing parents generation and offsprings to different photoperiod and temperature , observing condition of diapause and diapause termination .

  27. 首先构造了便于边界条件处理的插值小波基,应用乘积型二元插值小波基来构造中厚板的广义变量场函数,通过二类变量广义变分原理建立了多变量小波有限元模型。

    The interpolating wavelet bases are constructed in order to deal with boundary conditions conveniently , and two-dimensional interpolating wavelet bases in product form are used to construct the generalized field functions of thick plate .

  28. 文中在压铸流场模拟的基础上,增加了移动边界条件处理冲头的移动过程,模拟了慢压射过程中压室内流体的流动形态。

    Based on numerical simulation for mold filling of die casting process , the moving boundary condition was introduced to deal with the movement of the plunger and to simulate the flow field in the shot sleeve .

  29. 这种数值仿真方法把流固边界条件处理为内边界条件,能够较好地模拟身管冷却的过程,为层间冷却身管的设计提供了一种数值方法。

    This numerical simulation method deal with the fluid-solid boundary conditions for the boundary conditions within , better able to simulate the process of cooling barrel , provides a numerical calculation method for the barrel cooling design .

  30. 以往针对S型铺设的研究中,往往将托管架理想化为边界条件处理,这一方面影响了铺设分析的准确性,另一方面也无法对托管架进行设计。

    In the past studies , stinger is often idealistic treated as part of circle to be displacement boundary , which is not only affecting the accuracy of analysis but also can not be used for stinger design .