
  1. 他把杨子荣这一角色演活了。

    He interpreted the role of Yang Zirong wonderfully .

  2. 其中,经验丰富的侦查员杨子荣(张涵予饰)主动请缨去土匪窝中担任卧底。

    Seasoned investigator Yang Zirong ( Zhang Hanyu ) volunteered to go undercover in the bandits ' lair .

  3. 电影主角(杨子荣)是一个有勇有谋、经验丰富的侦查员,为了保护当地村民的安全,他不惜将自己置于险境。

    The protagonist is both a courageous and resourceful man who places himself at risk in order to protect the local villagers .

  4. 但是,杨子荣也绝非神人。在影片伊始,他的无组织无纪律和骄傲自负曾一度引起少队长的反感。

    However Yang is by no means a flawless stereotyped hero . In the beginning , his indiscipline and conceit raised the antipathy of Captain Shao .

  5. 影片中最扣人心弦的一幕莫过于“杨子荣斗虎”,只见一只凶悍的老虎四爪张开、扑向杨子荣,整个电影院都屏住了呼吸。

    One of the most thrilling scenes occurs when Yang fights a tiger . When the fierce animal jumps on the man with its jaw wide open , the theater lit up with gasps .

  6. 如今,很多电影中的动物形象都是电脑动画制作的效果,比如《决战猩球》系列影片(20112014)中的猿族领袖凯撒、《智取威虎山》(2014)中杨子荣打的老虎等。

    These days , many animals in films are computer animated , such as Caesar in the recent Planet of the Apes movies ( 2011 , 2014 ) and the tiger that Yang Zirong fights in The Taking of Tiger Mountain ( 2014 ) .